Include pointing (directional) information, when connection lines are copied.

Related products: Mapping & Diagramming

Hey there.


I very often use Miro Board Content in connection with ChatGPT or other text based AI systems (LLM´s).


For that reason it would be so great, if there would be  meta-information included into the connection lines, that than gets transfered into text, when the connection lines are copied (together with other elements, like sticky notes etc.)


In the same sense, it would be even better, when other meta information could be implemented like:

What type of field is it (shape, sticky note etc.) What shape does it have.

What colour does this field has (for example).


Like this, its so much easier then to communicate with a Chat-Bot.

And like this a future for implementing powerfull LLM´s like GPT-4 via API access could also work better.

Because the Miro included LLM is quite nice, still it does not reach the quality of GPT-4. Also for complex tasks, like Analysis of relationships between the notes is not possible, without adding that meta information manually.


This would then of course need a button to switch this additional information on or off.


Hope its kind of clear whats on my wishlist here.


Thanks for your consideration,




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