Custom Sticky Note Colors

Related products: Stickies

It would appear that we are limited to 12 colors for the sticky notes, yet we can have any custom color for text boxes and shapes. Add the ability to include more sticky colors that are customized.

It would also be nice if it was possible to set a standard sticky format without the shadow.

It would be awesome to have more different colour options or colour mixing options for post its. Sometimes it’s just not enough colours for colour coding.

It would be cool to also have white text on dark colors, not only on black.

I use colors for categories. Having HEX colors allows me to create a uniform system that clients recognize. 

Hi @Rainer , @Steve Long@jtk , @Boris Goldammer :


I have added view months ago a similar wish:

Please vote for this also - it’s going into the same direction


We really need more colours so we can assign colors to each participant in our very large meetings with over 12 people. 

I’ve been using Mural for clients lately and am really used to the color configuration as Miro’s isn’t very readable. Having 12 colors, and only dark text on dark colors is crazy bad UX. Any sign of this feature on the roadmap? Otherwise I think I’ll go back to Mural. I do a lot of visual work and this is really important. Strange that this is lacking. 

It would appear that we are limited to 12 colors for the sticky notes, yet we can have any custom color for text boxes and shapes. Add the ability to include more sticky colors that are customized.

Please, please, please!  Can’t be that hard.  Even some shades of grey would be useful.

Sticky notes having a limited number of colors to choose from is an issue for my organization as well, since it strongly limits the choice for our clients during wrkshops.
Please implement the feature for adding custom colors.

Just unbelievable that something so basic is not supported. When using a tool like this you will normally be working with a reasonable size group of people, this inherently requires a way to differntiate between contributions, whether that be by contributor or the category of the ticket… Both of these needs are not sufficiently met until we have more card colours available - How can you possibly support custom colours for text boxes and shapes yet the most core part of your application (sticky notes) cannot be customised.

As somebody who’s job it is to coach teams on delivering maximum value to the customer with the least effort I am only left to assume that there is some technical constraint which makes providing this feature a living nightmare so Miro have chosen to not do it… If that isn’t the case, then Miro must have a very troubled Product department. 

Stickies are without a doubt the tool I use most in Miro, and not having the ability to have custom colours is a big issue. I work with a lot of different brands and having a cohesive visual experience is really important. Miro has absolutely changed the way I organise projects with clients, but the standard sticky colours are a big frustration.

It would actually be a fantastic function to be able to have custom colour sets/palettes (such as is available apple) that would be accessible for stickies, shapes, text, etc.

Yes please!  We really really need custom colors / styles for Stickies – and/or an auto-size text option for shapes.

I think I get it, why do you refuse to simply implement the same color picker component into the stickies. Maybe beginner users should not “stick with stickies”, and confuse tham with shapes / using stickies instead of shapes? 

But pls consider to develop functionality to customize colors, lots of us use Miro stickies a bit different than IRL stickies. Sometimes stickies could be part of the graphic design. Sometimes even the stickie-aesthetics are matters!

I made a product concept sketch with Miro:


I think more importantly, the need for custom colors on sticky notes is important for people with color blindness: let’s make Miro more accessible to those affected by some degree of color blindness, if anything?

The current color palette is a problem, because the color scheme is not color blind friendly: when working with a large team with some members being color blind, some shades of green/orange/yellow get easily muddled for those with red/green color blindness, and there’s no easy way to fix it.

Ideally we would like to have a list of sticky notes available on the side with a color palette that is colour-blind friendly: we can do that with arbitrary shapes but NOT sticky notes, which I find counterintuitive.

@Terry Mun “Ideally we would like to have a list of sticky notes available on the side with a color palette that is colour-blind friendly” 

Wouldn't it be even better to add a Color-Blind Mode though? Ideally, I mean. 🙂

Yes to this, but I’d like to take it a step further. Multi colour? 
Just came across a situation where I was colour coding and had some I wanted to be two colours…. I ended up making a custom jpg grouped with a text box...

come on Miro, you already have the tool available for shapes. just add that option to the sticky notes and you're done


I’m adding my voice to this thread to ask for control over the sticky note colors. Recently, the bright red note was changed universally to a dark pink color that’s very similar to the next note down. This makes it much harder to read boards were I was using the bright red color as an eye-catching note color. It was very frustrating that this was changed without any notice to me (I could’ve saved .pdf files of my boards at least) and without any option to change it back.

In the future, I would like it if no one (miro included) changes the sticky colors unless everyone can change the sticky colors. Adding new colors is fine.

Thanks for your time.

I found a need for this while trying to make a board that had elements consistent with our corporate branding. Even something as basic as typing in an RGB value would be super helpful to specify the note color.

I would love to see more color in Sticky Notes :)

I use shape colours in diagrams. Often I want to add a sticky comments that relate to elements of the diagram, maybe carrying that theme through to other frames that are no longer visually connected to the diagram. Using the same colour is a really intuitive way to do that. It’s very frustrating to not have the same colours available in stickies as shapes.

And tags have a slightly different palette again 😥 seems so obvious people might want to use colours to link tags, stickies and shapes!

Please 🙏🏻

How has this broadly supported 3yr old request for an essential feature not been addressed? 

Struggling to understand. Especially as new and highly specialized features are being added seemingly daily. 

Hello? McFly? 

As an academic researcher that uses Miro to quickly illustrate my survey data results, I’d love to customize stickies to follow my project palette. Why does ‘brand style’ apply to all of the features *except* this one? It’s is such a brilliant communication tool for folks like me, and being able to follow standard design practices seems like an obvious next step. Thanks, Miro team!