Change the comment icon and lock its size for a more robust UML schemes workflow

Related products: Mapping & Diagramming

Hi Miro Team!

As a Games Development studio, we have integrated Miro into most of our processes. In one place where we really tried to push Miro was to use it as a UML scheme board and to stop using dedicated UML tools.

But unfortunately, there isn’t a convenient way to put comments in Miro UML boards 😭. All that we ask for, is:

The ability to change the icon of comment to dot, and lock it size so it wouldn't scale when we zoom in/out.


For example, this is a standard comment bubble:


As soon as you zoom out it become a messss:



Now 😀 let’s imagine a perfect board…. where you can change the comment icon to a dot/small circle and lock it size 😍



It’s one of those little things that make life better.

Thank you!


I second this. The comments tool is really helpful, but I wish it would scale up and down when zooming in and out. Otherwise it takes over the page!

Hi @Khalid Edah-Tally and @Kamil Hepner 

Thanks so much for taking the time to share your feedback on this idea. Should our team have any other questions, they will be sure to follow up.

For those coming across this idea, if you feel it's helpful to have (or have any suggestions of how you organize your charts and diagrams), please be sure to vote for it and leave a comment about your use case to help our team scope this request.


This would be a great property feature - setting the size of the comment icon so it is not dominant is a must.