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Autorouting of connectors

  • September 9, 2022
  • 1 reply

Let’s be for real -- Miro is worst-in-class for connectors among the tools I have used (visio,, lucidcharts, etc.) I spend probably a quarter of my time in a given diagram trying to coax the connectors into a coherent organization. I need the ability to do auto-routing, i.e. rearranging them so as to minimize crossing, avoid other objects, etc. They also desperately need jumps (the industry standard way of indicating that two connectors are not in fact part of the same net). 

The behavior of the arrow connections is also a nightmare -- NEVER do I want the arrow to be parallel with the border of the shape it intersects, yet I’m constantly fighting Miro to prevent its picking this orientation. Which means that my experience with Miro is significantly “well, this is annoying”. 

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Christoph Möbius

 I’d like to make this more specific.

I am working on a causal loop diagram where combinations of several reasons can lead to the same consequence. The crossing arrows on reason B make the diagram hard to read:

crossing arrows make the diagram hard to read
Arrows should not cross if source and target object are the same for both arrows.


Also, arrows should auto-unkink to have always the least possible number of waypoints:

upper waypoint is superfluous and should not exist


And then, auto-routed arrows jump erratically when one tries to move an edge:

auto-routed arrow jumps erratically; route does not follow shortest path


TBH the routing of edges is currently a mess and makes working with lines really cumbersome.