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I love using arrows in my flows, only issues with miro is that the arrows look bad when you stretch them. 
I’d love it if you can either change the shape of the arrow head e.g. a simple point constraint / or you just keep the arrow head in a specific shape similar to Lucid’s arrows. 

Also being able to round the arrows would also be awesome, i don’t really like the sharp corners. 

LUCID Arrows

MIRO Arrows


This would be really really helpful. Also: If that is too complicated, make the shape of the arrow only dependent on the width, not the length. 

hi @Fientje Vermeulen & @Accounts Team 


Thanks so much for taking the time to submit this idea, and the sample illustrations. We appreciate all feedback.


Should our team have any other questions, they will be sure to follow up.  For those coming across this idea, if you feel it's helpful to have or have additional suggestions, please be sure to vote for it and leave a comment about your use case to help our team scope this request.