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I like to use tags for the sticky notes to show its status, idea owners and action owners, but current tag function is very limited.

For status, only have to-do, in-progress, and done. But in design process, we need to have clarification, investigations status. I wish to be able to create my own status tag.

I also wish to be able to arrange the tags, since I need to show who is the idea owner and who is the action owner. currently, the tag is arranged automatically, the order of the tag can be misleading to other users.


@Yin He - The  Status field on Cards is a new feature, and it does not appear to have been rolled out to all users. This field is not the same as Tags - you could use Tags to indicate a status and creat your own values.

Here is an existing Wish List post requesting the ability to add custom Statues. You may want to add your vote:

I will move this post to the Wish List category to request the ability to rearrange Tags.

Thanks. I voted that one. It will be nice to be able to delete unwanted tags also.

@Yin He - You’re welcome :)

Please scroll up and “upvote” this idea too.

Deleting Tags

You can delete tags by:

  1. Selecting the pencil/edit icon:
  2. And then using the Delete tag action: