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Allow more than 8 tags per item

Please allow tagging of items (e.g., stickies) with more than 8 tags.  

Use Case:

I’m doing user research and have been using tags to indicate which customers cited an issue. I interviewed more than 8 customers. 




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I can relate to the problem Moll_Joy is indicating. This is definitely on the top of my wish list as well.

The abstract

It would be great to be able to add more than 8 tags to a sticker or card in order to clusterize around more than 8 tags.

The problem:

I am looking for a way to clusterize a large amount of projects around a large amount of involved organisations. Often there are more than 8 involved organisations in a project. Right now I cannot add more than 8 tags to a sticker or card.

The (possible) soluiton:

Allow more than 8 tags to be added to a sticker or card.


Exactly the same use case scenario for me - only solution is using the text in the sticky as a workaround. 

Limit reached for tags on a sticky note


  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • October 17, 2022

It’s truly unfortunate how items have a tag limit, and small one at that :( 

I love Miro because I can create information architecture mockups easily with cards, tags, etc, but this limit is a serious limitations (ha! pun intended)

Adding to this idea. I am looking at creating a tool / template in Miro to apply Max-Neef’s human-scale development framework to innovation and design processes. The framework includes 9 fundamental human needs. But Miro allows only 8 tags.

I can probably find a janky way to do this with other elements in Miro, but tags on cards and post-its are such a handy and clean way to make this work.

Scott Matter wrote:

Adding to this idea. I am looking at creating a tool / template in Miro to apply Max-Neef’s human-scale development framework to innovation and design processes. The framework includes 9 fundamental human needs. But Miro allows only 8 tags.

I can probably find a janky way to do this with other elements in Miro, but tags on cards and post-its are such a handy and clean way to make this work.

Of course just after I post this, I notice the error message says “to a single item”… so I went back and found that I can create a larger number of distinct tags, as long as only 8 of them appear on a given post-it or card. Cool cool cool. Nothing to see here for my immediate use case. Still would like to see an increase to the number of tags that can be applied.

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • February 2, 2024

Sign me up for this!

I’m conducting user research, and it’s critical for me to identify how many of the users that perform a task action that I’ve described in a sticky note. I need more than 8!

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • February 18, 2024

I like Miro, but the tag limit made me prefer another tool. I want to use the tags to identify cards that belong to the same theme or context, so 8 is not enough at all. What would work for me is to either remove the limit all together or allow unlimited tags of the same color. I do not need to see all of them on the card, but want to find them (with the highlight) in the search.

  • Beginner
  • 4 replies
  • September 27, 2024

I came here searching for the answer to a different issue… feel it would be rude to read and run now that I’m here 😀

For me, the introduction of more than 8 visible tags would be a technicolour sensory mine field…

For my use case (also the use case Miro describes), I use tags for visual clarity and simplification of task management. Tags are structured, simple, consistent and ensure clarity and prevent confusion. Tags allow me to efficiently plan and prioritise - I want to open a board and quickly be able to identify relevant items amongst the rabble.

Unlimited tagging might seem like a great solution theory but (imho) could do more harm than good. Tag overload could quickly cause confusion for board users - and what happens when the card / sticky is tagged to (or beyond) capacity, where do I put my title, status, assignee, due date? There needs to be a balance. 

Most use cases here appear to describe a requirement to filter / cluster / identify / search. I’m not sure that, in this scenario, the tags are required to be visible on the item itself. Now, of course, there are a lot of ways this problem could be solved… for me, retain a limit for visible tags, anything over the limit would be invisible from the UI but visible in list results via the board search, find and filter functions results and the attributed items highlighted on the board. In order to keep both Team Visualise & Team Identify happy, user should have the ability select (and, ideally, sort)  which tags should appear on the card. 

  • Mironeer
  • 922 replies
  • September 30, 2024

Hi everyone,

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment on this idea. We appreciate the feedback.

Our team is reviewing this, and it is open for votes and comments. For those coming across this idea, if you feel this would be helpful for your business, please be sure to vote for it and leave a comment about your use case to help our team scope this request!

  • Beginner
  • 5 replies
  • October 7, 2024

For post it notes used for depicting a business process flow, I want to tag the post-its both with: 

  • user groups (personas) involved
  • systems used

I’ve just hit the 8-maximum tags scenario which is a bit annoying (need 9 in this case). 8 definitely seems very low though. I realise that there are space constraints, What if the tags are single letter tags or one/two-digit numbers ?
