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Adding Transition Animation to Miro Boards (like in PowerPoint/Prezi)

Related products:Presentation

I use Miro a lot for Explaining concepts and User-flow Journeys to my team and clients.

One feature that would be great to have is “Animations” (Appearing in & Fading Out) like PowerPoint has. The Objects within Boards can be made to appear in a certain Order by clicking on an animation Pane.

It will make a beautiful Journey Diagram much more Explanatory and intuitive in a demo session. 

I wonder if this is in the Roadmap.

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23 replies

Miro is awesome.  I think having animation capability (like in powerpoint) would make it more awesome. @Kiron Bondale - suggests: create a "macro" of Miro actions and being able to replay it on demand.


  • Experienced Community Member
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  • June 28, 2020

@Rakesh :

Transitions are possible if you use the slide mode by moving them with much space between them

I had to reduce the filesize so you can see what is possible:




  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • June 30, 2020

Moving objects set as action

Just like with PowerPoint, it is possible to have an animation fly in or fly out of a frame. Or think of moving after so many seconds? This allows development of games in miro. Also for trainers to not have everything in the frame ready and to pick up.

Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • June 30, 2020

@annemiek -

There is no native animation support but @mlanders did a prototype using the presentation mode in Miro a couple of days back to show how a rudimentary flipbook animation could be simulated by having progressively different frames placed close together on the board.


  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • June 30, 2020
mlanders wrote:

@Rakesh :

Transitions are possible if you use the slide mode by moving them with much space between them

I had to reduce the filesize so you can see what is possible:




Beautifully made I have not quite figured out how to do this (Think with the presentation mode.
It seems more like an effect than actually moving independently.

  • New Here
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  • July 14, 2020

I love Miro, in that the design elements are great, it’s intuitive and highly flexible (and robust). But I want to be able to help folks navigate the boards (I build stories in the boards). Having an animation capacity like Prezi’s would be amazing. 

Prezi style animations/presentations would really take this platform to the next level (and I’d be happy to pay more for these features too)

Including this feature set would make Miro my #1 

  • Experienced Community Member
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  • September 7, 2020

@annemiek :

It’s a bit fake-animation effect because:

You have to create the frames far from each other positioned on your canvas:


Then you open the frame-list and click on each frame to navigate … so you’ve got the effect:

But as you noticed:

At the beginning I jumped between frame 2 and frame 3 two times …



Having animation within frames would be so powerful and super helpful.  My group is really trying to embrace Miro with presentations, but sometimes you need to be able to build content within a frame versus showing everything at once…..especially when new ideas are presented.  Otherwise you have to create a frame for each “build” you want to show.

mlanders wrote:

@annemiek :

It’s a bit fake-animation effect because:

You have to create the frames far from each other positioned on your canvas:


Then you open the frame-list and click on each frame to navigate … so you’ve got the effect:

But as you noticed:

At the beginning I jumped between frame 2 and frame 3 two times …



I do it the same way, but within the presentation it would be nice if I can use a remote-Control to flip through some “slides”. Because then I can move within the room during the presentation.

  • Experienced Community Member
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  • July 10, 2021

@Ute Hamelmann :

I’ve got a remote, too.

First preparation:

Open the frame section and put the mouse cursor opon the first frame.

After this I hit in my remote the wheel and my presentation starts to move.

Second time hit the wheel-button again .. presentation moves to the second frame …

I’ve got this remote:

Keyspan Presentation Remote - Fernbedienung - 2 Tasten: AmazonSmile: Elektronik & Foto

It should work with other remotes, too.

It works even if you’ve closed the Frames section - the presentation continues if you hit your wheel / button!



@mlanders  Wow thank you so much for your fast answers! Cool and helpful support - I like! :slight_smile:

Agree - animation capabilities would really improve Miro. Sometimes you just need to give information to others before you can collaborate, and animation really helps with not overwhelming people with data. While there is the workaround going frame by frame, it is messy, and not the greatest when others need to do work in your board.

Kevin Kinisky
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  • October 18, 2021

What would be ideal is if you wanted to add a timer transition between your frames. This would then allow you to mimic a Pecha Kucha wherein the slide progresses every 20 second intervals.

I would suggest that Miro allow for sharing a “presentation” link where:

  • The outline of frames are hidden

The problem:

  • there is a “view link” but the frames are visible and distracting
  • the start and end of the presentation is not clear as the “presentation” button has to be clicked first

The solution:

  • add a share option (for all license types) called “presentation”
  • all frames would have their borders made invisble
  • multiple frames within frames could be used to “zoom in and out” of content (like Prezi)
  • larger buttons for forward or backwards making navigation intuitive?

Here is my example from my prezi:


Here is my video showing an overview of the problem and solution:

Miro Suggestion: Prezi like "presentation" link with invisible frame outlines


Seconded, this would be a major step forwards towards Miro having the best of both whiteboarding  and presentation worlds

  • Beginner
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  • July 13, 2022

Is this going to happen anytime soon ?

Lucie A
  • Experienced Community Member
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  • August 28, 2022

For immersive storytelling and exciting navigation, being able to control the journey of the animation like in Prezi would be incredibly powerful for both the designers and the participants.


A big HELL YEAH to this feature!

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • June 13, 2023
Daniel Fleming wrote:



Here is my video showing an overview of the problem and solution:

Miro Suggestion: Prezi like "presentation" link with invisible frame outlines


It seems that the frame borders are no longer visible in presentation mode? I like the looks of it now. 

Actually what I miss is the option to set the duration for the frame to frame transition. If it was slower I could screen record it and include it in videos. Of course I can already do that but put in a video I find it’s a bit too fast for viewers to keep track of the big picture

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment about this feature. We understand the frustration and appreciate your patience. Our team is reviewing this idea as it continues to be open for votes and comments.


For those coming across this idea, if you feel this would be helpful for you or your business, please be sure to vote for it and leave a comment about your use case to help our team scope this request!

Thank you,

Miro Community Team

Charles Collin


Is this requested feature on the developper’s roadmap on this 13 of may 2024 ;) ?

Thank you

  • Active Contributor
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  • May 22, 2024

Honestly, to just not have to use Powerpoint to present stuff would be great. 90% of all my work and reference material is in Miro but to make a decent presentation with transitions and in slide/frame animations I have to resort to another tool and switch between them. 

I use Miro a lot for explaining the processes, systems, policies I’m putting in place for my company.  

A Key Feature that would Rock would be to have “Animations” (Appearing in & Fading Out) like PowerPoint has. The Objects or Shapes within Boards can be made to appear in a certain Order by clicking on an animation Pane - this way my audience would be able to follow step by step as a journey.  

It’s really what’s missing for me! Hope you guys can add this soon - it will make life so much better for me and it seems many here.  
