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A simple way to paste form Adobe Illustrator into Miro

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Soumyadeep Mandal
  • Soumyadeep Mandal
    Soumyadeep Mandal

My designer works in adobe illustrator. She has many screens mocked up, with borders and supporting text. I would like her to copy/paste all of that into a Miro board for review by other team members. Is there a simple way to capture everything and paste it in?

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Your illustrator can export their screens as PNGs using asset export and you can upload them to your Miro board.

  • New Here
  • April 30, 2021

When pasting vectors to miro it automatically changes it to png witch is fine but it also changes it to CMYK color mode. is there a way to preserve RGB without having to export vectors to pngs before pasting to miro?