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Link previews to other boards should update title + cover image if changed

Lucie A
  • Active Contributor
  • 48 replies

Currently if you paste a link to another board it creates a really nice preview link / card (not sure of the official component name, but I love it!!)

However if I make updates to the linked board - such as title or cover image - the details don't update in the preview card, including the date stamp of last modified.

Would expect that the information shown on the preview link (such as title, cover image and last modified time stamp) reflect any changes that have been made whenever you refresh the board that contains the links.


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Alternatively, or, complimentary, the link should have an anchor tag with the semantic title, like

  • Mironeer
  • 1676 replies
  • December 12, 2024

Thank you for submitting this idea! We appreciate your feedback, and our team will review it. This suggestion is now open for votes and comments.

For those just joining the conversation, if you believe this feature would be helpful for your workflow or business, please take a moment to vote and share your use case. This will help our team better understand the demand and prioritize accordingly.

Thanks again for helping improve Miro!
