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Ability to group objects and lock objects inside tables

I often do dot voting for my workshops that I run and we often want to move sticky notes with the dots on top. I use tables to organize the workshopping content and can’t group anything within the tables. This means that my participants need to awkwardly try to select content together and can’t group them within the table. The other problem is the inability to lock objects in the table which means that participants can accidentally move content around. These two problems mixed together have proven to be troublesome.

I love Miro and all of it’s features but as a neat freak who loves using tables I would greatly appreciate the ability to lock and group objects while they are inside tables.

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6 replies

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • June 30, 2022

I also wish for this feature. What I do now is drag all the objects I want to group to be outside the table, group them there, then drag them back into the table. It is extra work. Sometimes I forget that you can’t group inside the table and I think I’ve grouped them when I really haven’t. Thanks for any updates on this requested feature!

Eddie Zhang
  • Beginner
  • 9 replies
  • August 31, 2022

Totally UP-voting this idea! Bring able to group objects in a table is a “must have” for us. Really hope that this feature is available soon! 🙏🏻

  • Beginner
  • 1 reply
  • February 23, 2023

You can color a jira card by stacking a colored rectangle with 50% opacity on top of it, and grouping rectangle with the card. Except this doesn’t work when your jira card is on a table, for example a gantt chart.

I support this idea, the grouping work-around is inconvenient...but doable. Yet, the fact that we cannot lock those elements inside a table is really troublesome for async collaboration purposes. You don’t want people to move elements around and shift the whole layout or accidently delete something. 

We will save a lot of time when this feature becomes available. We draw process flows using tables and add icons to process steps. Now we drag these objects outside the table group them and move back. To be able to group these while inside the table would really help when moving things around. 

its bizzarre this feature of grouping is missing. The only workaround is mobign the items outside, group, and move them in again. A waste of time.
