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Annotations inherent to objects

I decided to create a new Wish because this wish feels like it has a somewhat different focus.


Let’s consider a miro diagram as a graph; with nodes and edges. Each node is a component/idea, and each edge describes relationships between components. 


To that end, I’d like to annotate nodes. Examples could be: 

  • Links to more information/documentation
  • Descriptions or gotchas
  • Risks or unknowns
  • Mitigations or alternatives
  • Tags like owners, stakeholders, projects, due-dates etc

It would be useful if annotations have the following properties:

  • They are separated/expandable by key value (instead of just single text box into which a lot of text is crammed and awkwardly separated
  • Annotate multiple objects at once after selecting objects via drag
  • They are able to be templated across the entire graph as key value pairs. For example, if I wanted every node to include a field that contains a description or tag
  • They are visible in layers. If every object contains an annotation, then making those annotations visible across the board with a single action (eg a checkbox)
  • Annotations are inherent to the object, and so also adhere to moving, copy-pasting etc

In essence, I often come across a situation where a diagram has extra ‘dimensions’ that are not demonstrable in a diagram/graph without damaging readability through clutter.  I would like the ability to surface information that is inherent to the system but doesn’t need to be always visible. 

(The way this problem is usually solved is that there is an accompanying text document that describes the things that cannot be shown neatly in the miro diagram. I would love the capability to remove that translation and bring the information as close to the diagram as possible.)

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