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Stretched App Icon on App Search in Miro Board

  • 22 March 2023
  • 0 replies

TLDR: Probably can be fixed by adding “object-fit: contain” to the CSS for “.library-root__item--list .library-root__item-icon” to the Miro Board

.library-root__item--list .library-root__item-icon {
width: 24px;
height: 24px;
margin-right: 16px;
object-fit: contain;

Icons are sometimes stretched in the Apps search on the Mio Board.

Should be:

They do not show up stretched anywhere else. We submitted a square SVG but at some point it was converted to a PNG and any transparent space was trimmed. That png is properly displayed on the marketplace page with a object-fit: contains css.

but the CSS on the Miro Board App Search display does not have the object-fit: contains CSS.

We cannot think of a way to solve this on our end. We already submitted a square image. One idea was to add a white background but then the icon highlighting in the SVG icons for the app would not look proper.

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