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Figma integration

  • 12 August 2020
  • 4 replies

There’s a way besides Figmiro that we can connect Figma with Miro? I ask because Figmiro is great, but we use a SSO connection in our softwares in my company and it’s not possible to connect it from there. If anyone has a trouble with that could give us a help? 


I’ll ask also the developer on GIthub when it would be avaiable, but there’s something coming from Miro team? 

Hi @Loize Dalco - Thanks for your interest in Miro x Figma integration. We’re aware of the value that this integration could add but we don’t have any specific ETA on it yet. I’ll let you know as soon as we have a news to share.


Meanwhile, please feel free to upvote the Figma integration in our feature request list here:



Hi there, has any update on this integration been made in the past 2 months?



@farbodsaraf I am trying to create some web plugin for Miro for integrating with Figma.

As of today, I can add Figma Embedded iframe but the iframes have some play button. I wish to eliminate the play button since you can not see the actual prototype.

I tried to reverse engineer what Adobe XD is doing, but it seems they use an `IMAGE` tag (correct me here), but Figma doesn’t have a way to get a link to a frame that is an image, so I am not sure what to do.

ideally, I can add some iFrame that doesnt have that play button since it is not a video and I wish to render the content.

Do you know if there is any widget I could use for injecting a iframe without the play button?

Hi @Yordis Prieto 


You are right, Adobe XD integration creates images and doesn't rely on the Embed widget. Having a play button is the way the Embed widget works in Miro, you will not be able to remove it. The play button allows user to load "locally" (only for them) the content of the iFrame.
