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My Miro Story! How My Company Uses Miro

  • April 21, 2020
  • 1 reply

  • Active Contributor
  • 68 replies

Back in the days when Miro was called “realtimeboard,” the platform was shared with me through a colleague and it was the resource for work that I never knew I needed.

Since then, Miro has changed the way I work for the better! I manage 20+ different apps and brands with a remote team. Miro helps me keep projects organized while being able to make quick notes, start designs, and plan on multiple levels.

Check out some of the work I get done in my screenshots below, hopefully it will help you work on your own boards. And not shown in the pictures is a hidden gem… I have a frame called “whiteboard” it is exactly what is sounds like, its a place to just write anything like an old school whiteboard :laughing:


App design and planning user funnels.
Planning phases with a timeline.


Easy way to record some ideas into tasks.


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Can you share the templates?
