@casio hi,
1000+ boards will not slow down your experience. We have teams with 10000+ boards.
As for 1000 frames on a board, could you explain your use case?
@Timm Shrago
thx reply
actually, i need to pick one of it
below is my use case,
but the main idea is that the frame corresponding to related ticket in Asana
just because i have so many tickets
❶ 10000+ frames
i can plot all the tickets related user journey map ( or flowchart, whatever ) in one board
so in that board, each ticket will map to each frame
❷ 10000+ boards
i can have one board for one ticket, so i may just have 1 frame in a board
thx again, have a good day 
⏤ Casio
I see.
I’d recommend something in between.
One board can easily hold 10K widgets (up to 100K actually, but it requires a powerful device), including Asana cards for which we have integrations available on the Team plan and other paid plans.
If you group your tickets to have a few groups it would be easier to navigate across boards and to work on each specific board.
You will. I have a year of expirience and it’s still out of my expectation. At least for the subscribtion fee I pay
→ https://community.miro.com/board-design-60/miro-performance-issues-one-year-expirience-5800?postid=24205#post24205