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Why do Card color borders appear sometimes on the left and sometimes on the bottom?

iLan Epstein

Screenshot of 4 seemingly identical cards, but with 2 having color borders on the left side, and 2 having color borders on the bottom.


Can anyone explain to me why 2 of these cards have their color borders on the left side, and 2 of them have their color borders on the bottom? They were all created by duplicating the card above them. I can’t find any setting which controls where the drop shadow/color border shows up. Changing the color has no effect.

Also, it’s subtle, but the corner radius is different, and the border thickness is different for the different versions as well.

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iLan Epstein

They also seem to scale text sizes differently. This is just a screenshot of the frame zoomed out.

Zoomed out view of 4 cards, where 2 have small text, and 2 have larger text.

Again, these were all created by duplicating the card above them, so they should be identical. So confused by this.

I also have this issue. Additionally, the card’s border colors appear differently if they are on a colored background. A card with no border selected sometimes shows a border and sometimes doesn’t.
