
Hi, I wish to upgrade my account but fail to understand the collaboration functionality:

I am currently the only team member who form boards and create workshops. The rest of my team just need access and edit permission of particular boards (basically - ability to add comments\post-its, move components around and so on). 

Which pricing plan should I choose? And how can I give a visitor\guest permission to my teammates (as opposed to a “member” role)?


Many Thanks,


3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Noa T -

If you won’t have anyone else being a paid member other than yourself, the Consultant plan with one paid member is the cheapest option. You would then use the Visitor access functionality to provide access to the boards and you could password protect them to prevent unauthorized access by others.


Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Noa T - As @Kiron Bondale suggests, the Consultant Plan would be the way tot go.

Not only would you have the Visitors feature, you would have access to the Guests feature which would allow you to add your team members directly to the boards, giving them more features than if they were Visitor, and keeping your boards more secure. More on Guests here: https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021415119-Collaboration-with-guests#h_01FJBPQ9SS99S599T3BD34WNFJ

More on plan features here: https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017730233-Plans-and-features-available

Creating a new Team vs. Upgrading

It’s likely that you have the Free Plan with more than member at this time. When you attempt to upgrade, you would forced to purchase seats for as many members as the team you are trying to upgrade has. To move forward, you would have to delete all other members from your team. An alternative is to use the Add teams action:


Creating a new team/subscription, e.g., Consultant Plan this way would result in you keeping your existing Free Plan team and having a new Consultant Plan team. For example, my Miro account profile is associated with many teams - some free, some I pay form, and other paid plans that I am a member of:


Super helpful! Thanks both
