I’m a lot reticent about posting this but here goes anyway….
I offer it as others have shared their ideas and examples
Also because i’d love to hear what it suggesst to other as ways to improve what I’ve done here
You can watch at 2x speed (or 4x but thats incomprehensible!)
I have a potential client with whom I’m attempting to show ‘how to break the mould’ on shifting trad training to be online w/ tools like miro - to try to ‘give them a feel for whats possible...’ i recorded https://www.dropbox.com/s/lr2st48lhnabuy1/first%20PoC.mp4?dl=0
I’m thinking we should all get on a board sometime and share trix-n-tips - who’d like to talk about making that a reality?
Discussion encouraged… please also tag others who’ve asked about training use