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Text blur option for Retro board

  • 28 April 2020
  • 1 reply

I’m setting up the Retro board. Instead of writing notes at the meeting (what worked well, not worked well questions), I’d like the member to fill the note before the meeting without others to read it. Fun Retro app had a text blur setting until the facilitator to reveal it. I was wondering if there is any solution for Miro?

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Yumie Toka -

If you want the retro ideas to be identified before the meeting and then just “revealed” at the meeting, why not just have folks copy and paste them from Notepad or some other text editor into individual stickies during the meeting?

Another alternative is to add stickies using the Bulk Mode option (which is visible when you click on the sticky icon in the toolbar). That way, they can enter all their ideas without others seeing them and then create the stickies in a single step.

