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I’m on free plan. The button used to work and then suddenly it stopped. I thought they just made it a paid feature or something and moved on, but with each time it becomes more and more annoying. What could be the issue? The person is an editor if it matters


hi ​@An Chill 

If you’re the owner of the board, then ‘Bring everyone to me’ should be enabled automatically. If you’re not seeing the feature, it could be that you don’t own the board or there’s nobody else on the Miro board.

If it’s not working, it's likely because you either don't have the necessary editing permissions on the board (you might be a viewer or commenter). Here is an article explaining how it works.

@An Chill - You are correct. According to the Attention Management help center article, the “Bring to me… (by selecting an individual user) feature should work on the Free plan, whereas the Bring everyone to me should not.

Since the behavior is not matching the help center article, I will open a support ticket and will update this post as I learn more.

Support team:

This is expected:


But this is not:


As per the Attention Management article:


Latest update from the support team:

Thank you for reporting that the Bring to me feature on the Free boards are not working as expected.
I have opened a request with our Engineer Team so they can investigate further. I will keep you update on any progress.

Update from Miro support (the issues is resolved):

This is Luci with an update. The Bring to me feature on the Free boards has been fixed, users should not see this option grayed out anymore.
Can you confirm the issue is fixed on your end?

@An Chill - I tested on my end and the Bring to me button is usable again.
