@Challie Schafer - As far back as I can remember, the page changes would always change for all participants on the board - well, at least for two years as Cozy Juicy Real would use this as a feature of moving between pages on a PDF to mimic the flipping of cards. But I could be completely wrong on this.
… or maybe it was just when the new page was pinned? Hmmm. I’m pretty sure it was any page changes.
@Cozy Juicy Real - What say you?
@Robert Johnson That is interesting. I have used Miro as a professor for the last two years and have only recently had this experience. Typically if I flipped on my screen, it would stay on page 1 on their boards on their computers.
I asked about it today because a student came to me today frustrated with the change. She was trying to view a document on the board from home, and a fellow classmate kept changing the page on her from their computer at their home. This didn’t used to be an issue that we had, even when we were all learning remotely.
@Marina - Would you be able to find an official answer to this question?
I’ve polled about 16 students… they are all reporting this as a change they’ve noticed within the last week. They used to be able to see a “glitch” when someone changed the page, but they were still able to look at the page they were reading. Now when multiple people click, they are changing the pages back and forth trying to control the document.
@Challie Schafer - Yeah, it very well could have been that one used to have to pin the current page to make it update for everyone. If this is the case, it is not an end-user configurable item.
Hey @Challie Schafer, @Robert Johnson,
Alyona from the Miro Support team is stepping in for Marina 
Let me check with the developers to see if the way this functionality is supposed to work has been changed recently. I'll let you know once I hear back from them on this matter. Please bear with us!
Hey! :)
Just seeing this thread now. Apologies for the delayed response.
As far as I remember, it has always been that the user who ‘flips’ through pages is the only one who sees it – all other users would not. @Robert Johnson, it’s as you said it your latest post… only if you pinned it would the others see it.
@Challie Schafer – I agree with you on that – makes more sense for users to ‘flip’ through at their own pace. Have you tried the Google doc integration? Not sure if that behaves any differently 
Something.. to make it easier for teams, i'm extracting the pages.. (depending on the length of the pdf or google doc). It allons to comment or to add Thoughts around the doc..
But i've notices a changé too
Multipage PDFs used to allow individual board users to page through the document at their own pace, but now when one person pages through a document it changes the the page number of the document for everyone on the board.
This can be challenging when multiple users are trying to read the PDF at their own pace. Is there a way to change it back to the old settings?
I too am experiencing this bug/new behaviour just in the last couple of weeks.
Same situation as Challie, I use PDF documents with students and we used to be able to flip to separate pages, but now when either of us changes page, it automatically changes for both of us. All of my students across various platforms are reporting this, and they are finding it frustrating.
Also, some students like to open Miro both in a web browser and then the iPad app in front of them so they can read graphs/images/text on one page while answering the questions on the following page. But one page turn updates every display of the board automatically. It’s quite frustrating we now have to screenshot individual sections and add them side by side anytime we want to view pages are different times.
It would be great to just have things go back to independent page viewing, can’t tell if this is a new feature… or is it a bug? If it’s a feature, then the option to turn it off and choose our default behaviour would be great.
Hey @Challie Schafer, @Robert Johnson, and @Duncan,
Just received an update from the team regarding the change in behavior described above. Turns out, we indeed changed it at the beginning of May to ensure that the way this functionality (flipping through pages) works is aligned with other features (meaning all collaborators on the board see the same content in the same state).
That being said, I have passed along all the feedback and use-cases you shared in this discussion with the team and they agreed to bring the previous behavior back, so now every user on the board can flip through a multi-paged PDF at their own speed again. Hope this helps 
@Alyona - Thanks for the update, and to the product team for reverting to the pervious behaviour based on this user feedback! I have tested and am once again seeing the old behaviour of individual page flipping.
Amazing! Thank you so much for this, and for the team’s swift response!!