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Hello everyone,

I recently updated both my Mac and the Miro app to the latest versions available (Sonoma 14.0 for the Mac and 0.7.47 for the Miro app). Since then, I haven't been able to use most of the links between boards that I've always used. In the web version, they still open in a new tab as they always have. The weird thing is that some links are still functional. I've tried to investigate any possible causes (linking to a board, to an image in another board, to a text in another board, etc.) and updating the links by copying the target link. However, nothing I've tried seems to be connected to the issue.


Has anyone experienced a similar issue?

Hi @Riccardo Perini I’m facing the same issue, same configuration. “External links” - to other boards or websites - cease to function since the update to Sonoma with Miro version 0.7.47. 

“Internal links” between shapes function perfectly.


Any help would be appreciated. 


Looking for other discussion to see if it was somehow resolved or if someone created a support ticket by Miro. If not, will create it.

Thanks @Tiago P. 

I didn’t see any when I checked before opening this discussion but i might have missed it.

@Tiago P. - Please let me know if you opened a support ticket, so I can flag this post to let others know that the support team has been alerted. 

@Robert Johnson No ticket created, but while editing it, tried the external links on my boards and it worked 😅

@Riccardo Perini Does it work on your side ? 

Hum, in fact, the links between boards and to external sites in the desktop app do not work (anymore). But they work online.

I finalize the support ticket. 

@Robert Johnson Here is the link to the support ticket


@Tiago P. - Thanks for letting us know that you have reported this to the Miro Support Team.

If you could please update this post with what the support team tells you, it would surely be appreciated by anyone experiencing this issue 🙏

Hi all,

I’ve noticed an issue appear last week where I cannot open http/https links I had set up on my boards to files or webpages.  It has only started last week for me, its a consistent issue across multiple boards and for other users on my team.  The issue is only visible on the app too.  The browser version works with no issues.

Anyone noticed anything similar please?  Is there any chance this is something in my laptop settings?
Many thanks for reading,


Hi Steve, 

I have the same issue since the latest update. It’s really frustrating.
The links just won’t open when I click on them. Includes both text and/or linked objects on a board.
I’m using Chrome as the default browser.

I did try reinstalling the desktop app (Windows), that didn’t work.

What did work was to “reset application data”, but that worked for a day or two and the issue is now back. 

I couldn’t find information on how to roll back to an earlier version of Miro. 

Hopefully the next update fixes the issue. 





Same issue here on Windows. Thanks

Same issue here on Windows. Thanks

Can you share your scenario in which external linking is not working for you in the Miro desktop app on Windows?

For example:

  • Windows version
  • Miro desktop app version
  • Object that you have linked from, e.g., sticky note, text
  • How did you create the link, e.g., using the Link to action in the object’s context menu → more options, or by selecting text in the object and using the insert link “link” icon in the content menu?
  • And what did you link to? Another board, an object on another board, or to a non-Miro board resource, e.g.,

I experience the same problem. This is my scenario:

  • Windows version 10, up to date
  • Miro Desktop 0.7.47
  • Linked from sticky notes, from texts and from sundry Miro objects 
  • I usually link from the object’s context menu - Link to, pasting a link from Copy link item in target object’s context menu
  • I usually link to a frame on a different board, sometimes to an object on a different board, once in a while to a whole board. I also link to external web pages.
  • The problem is consistent - no link to targets outside the current board works
  • I have tried deleting links and creating new ones, to no avail

I have the exact same issues than Gunnar Coll (thanks for your post).

With two differences:

  • Windows 11 Home 64 bit
  • Miro app version 0.7.48

Resetting app data resolved the issue temporarily (until the next PC restart). 
Reinstalling the app did not solve the issue. 

Chrome is my default browser.



@Gunnar Coll / @NoamO - Thanks for the details. I have updated the title of this post to remove reference to just “macOS”. Personally, I am on Windows 11 64-bit and have not experienced this with the Miro desktop app 0.7.47 (or 0.7.48, which just updated before this reply). Hopefully the support team can get to the bottom of this quickly!

Let’s hope so too. Thanks for helping us to clarify the problem.

Verifying that it is a global issue. Links on boards no longer work in the App. We have a huge team that really relies on miro. 
It’s crazy that this slipped through testing. Needs to be fixed ASAP. 
Any Miro devs want to respond here?
Thanks, ~Andy

Unfortunately same thing happened as Naoam. Sigh.

@Stephen Boyle - Just a heads up that I merged your post with this one, so we can receive updates as they come in.

Also seeing this behavior on my work system with the desktop app. I uninstalled and then reinstalled the latest version (on the Microsoft Store) and that seemed to fix it for a day, but as of this morning I am seeing the same issue again on the newly installed Miro app where external links do nothing when clicked on (but links to within the same Miro board work just fine). The same Miro board in Chrome or Firefox works as expected with external URL links.

Windows 10 Enterprise
Miro product version (from task manager):

Seems to have been resolved for me with the latest update to version 0.8.0 (Windows 11, 64 bit).

Hoping it stays that way. 


Seems to have been resolved for me with the latest update to version 0.8.0 (Windows 11, 64 bit).

Hoping it stays that way. 


It seems it was sorted out after 1 or 2 updates on my mac as well, it doesn’t work as smoothly as before but so far I haven’t encountered other issues related to links with this new version (0.8.0)

Marking this post as resolved as the issue appears to have been corrected in version 0.8.0 of the Miro desktop app.

Reinstalling the desktop app to version seems to have resolved the issue for me, too - thanks to everyone involved in bringing this about 😍!

Confirmed is working for me now as well.


Works fine on my side too since update to Miro version 0.8.0 arm64.
