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Resolution about the uploaded PDF

Hi I m an architect

We often have video calls sharing our screen to share floor plans.

The best situation is that we can write on the document anytime when we want like in the face to face meeting.

I believe that Miro has a good potential about it.

However When I upload the PDF on the board,

Even if I zoom in the whole page the resolution is still blurry. like on the picture.



the resolution becomes High only if I zoom in in detail in the pdf as below.



It is very fustrating for some generation in this industry to zoom in to get High resolution and zoom back during the call.

Is it a programing issue? or settings or, is there a way to show high resolution even when we zoom back.




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3 replies

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7248 replies
  • July 1, 2021

@jiji - There are no settings that you can configure. Miro would likely be using some 3rd party PDF rendering software to display these PDFs. Because this is all happening right within a Miro board, the software may not be as good/powerful as a standalone/dedicated application, e.g., Adobe Reader.

It has also been my experience that Miro appears to have made a conscious decision to code the boards to only render objects like images and PDFs until you zoom in on them. If this wasn't the case, board performance would likely take a serious dive if everything was trying to load at once when it may never need to, e.g., the user wasn't even going to zoom in the part of the board with a large PDF.

A few options:

- try to speed up the process by making the PDFs bigger (resizing them bigger on the board) so that you don't have to zoom in as far and they start to render right as you open the board - this could be happening as you're talking with your client getting ready to start adding comments

- use a slightly lower quality PDF

- use an image instead of a PDF (it may be a bit quicker)

- zoom in on the PDF ahead of time

- embed a link to the PDF elsewhere (I know... it mostly defeats the purpose of using Miro in the first place)

- Contract Miro support to see if they have any more information/tips/suggestions on improving your experience. At the very least, the feedback to Miro support should make its way to the appropriate product team.

Please use the “Contact Miro Support” link found in the How to Contact Miro support Help Center article:


Hello Robert,

Your response to this gentleman’s question relates somewhat to a concern I have.

I am exploring various high-end large TV/Monitors for specific use with Miro.  My work requires that I create very large document and image arrays that I must study in their entirety and interact with in order to meet my purposes.  

In my research I am looking at the 8k Samsung QLED, LG OLED, and some of their alternatives for exclusive use with Miro boards.  Ideally, I would like to be able to view the documents and images at a scale that they are fully in focus, and all text is legible within each document or image within the entire array linked by relationship lines.

Based on your reply above, I understand that the resources required by Miro as a Web App may limit the possibility of my application.  I would eliminate all variables on my side, by choosing a TV/Monitor that has true 8K resolution, with full 4:4:4 Chroma (no compression or subsampling), coupled with full 2.1 HDMI, and a very high-end video card i.e. the NVIDIA 3090 with a 1 Gbs download cable internet connection. 

However, as you suggest, limitations within Miro may not support or permit such and application despite the absence of bottlenecks on my side.  Once set to scale, there would be little to no necessity to zoom in and out, if that is of any benefit?  Lastly, I am wondering if there is a way in which I can run Miro locally on my machine so that I could allocate all of the resources mentioned along those of a powerful workstation so as to accomplish my end purposes detailed? 

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7248 replies
  • December 20, 2021

@chasvonplatten - I have no experience with Miro on large displays and can only direct you to the following post/Help Center articles - perhaps they will provide some answers:

Lastly, I am wondering if there is a way in which I can run Miro locally on my machine

This is not possible. I would suggest that you upvote the following Wish List post:
