
Presentation Mode changed?

  • 25 January 2023
  • 7 replies

Has the presentation mode changed?

I used to love clicking the presentation icon followed by the play button on the bottom and I would have my presentation for each frame viewed against a black background.

It looks as though there has been an update to the presentation mode and although I can present each frame, it does so with the standard white background with the grid. Has the fullscreen (black background) option been removed?

7 replies

Userlevel 7
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@Clayton - Yes, Miro is starting to rollout the new Interactive Presentation Mode feature:

Here is a Miroverse template were they talk all about it (you can copy the template to your account and follow along while in the new presentation mode - it’s quite an engaging way to show off the new feature!):

Userlevel 7
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@Clayton - I don’t see the usual “Leave feedback” action icon anywhere in this new feature. For feedback, I suggest using the Support forum to submit your feedback. 

@Clayton we’re experimenting with bringing this back. Would you be interested in trying a test build and giving us your feedback?

Userlevel 7
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I prefer the standard Miro canvas background color when in presentation mode as I sometimes edit a board during the presentation, e.g., capturing feedback, and I may jump to another spot on the board to do so.

@Joe McLean - If you do bring back the black background, please make it a user option, so it can be turned on/off, or at least that it disappears when I move away from the currently presented frame.

Another suggestion is to hide the board grids when presenting Frames or Activities. I usually don't have my grids on at all, but if I did, I still may want them to be visible while presenting the Board.

@Robert Johnson good feedback. Yes, we’ve heard of the need to leave and return to the presentation (I experience this often in my own meetings). We have some thoughts here - let me know if you’d like to try it out :)

Userlevel 7
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@Robert Johnson good feedback. Yes, we’ve heard of the need to leave and return to the presentation (I experience this often in my own meetings). We have some thoughts here - let me know if you’d like to try it out :)

I will PM you :)

Userlevel 7
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@Clayton - I’m not sure of the scope of this change, but I am now seeing this option when presenting frames:

