A student in one of my class groups accidentally accessed the board of another class group. I assigned specific students to specific boards, so was surprised when this happened….any ideas ?
One other, unrelated question - when I opened some of the boards, I noticed that there was a transparent pink covering over some of the frames (the ones that had been updated)...any ideas ?
Best answer by Robert Johnson
@James Kinsley - While you may have added students at the board level, what is the Team access to the board option set to?
Additionally, it is possible for unintended students to see a board if you have
set the Team access to the board → No access of board A
added, say, student Bob to board A
created a Project called Project One with Anyone in your team can view this project toggled OFF
Moved board A to project One
but added student Bill to Project One
Now regardless if Bill will also be able to see board A.
Here are some good posts on managing permissions for boards/projects
@James Kinsley - You’re welcome! And the steps you have taken will accomplish what you need. Now only those whom you add at the board level will be able to see/edit them.
And if you end up having dedicated groups of people/students that you will consistently want to see a number of boards, then you could create a Project for that group of students, add them to the project, and then any boards added to that project will be visible to them. Someone leaves that group? Just remove them from the project rather than every board. Creating a new board for them? Just add that new board to the project (or create it from within the project) rather than adding ever use to every new board.
I am looking forward to getting feedback from my students - do you have a recommendation for the best forum/person to provide my students’ feedback to ?
@Marina - I have seen a number of posts on here where users have expressed wanting to give feedback to Miro. What would be the best channel for doing this? The only place I even see the word “feedback” used is when I select the help guide “?” icon from my Miro dashboard or from within a board → Get help and then under Support it reads: Share your feedback and ask questions. What I do like about this option is that the user could attach supporting documents.
Rob is right, the best way is to write to the Support team directly: they can help with troubleshooting and will escalate feedback to relevant teams.
Just a note that only paying users have this Support button in the Guide on the board. So here’s the direct link to the Contact Support form - https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.