
MIRO board does not work

  • 29 April 2024
  • 1 reply

The Miro board I am using with my colleagues is not working for everyone. We've tried opening it with different browsers and the app, we've tried duplicating it and restoring it, but nothing seems to work. Every time we try to open it, it takes a long time to load and then everything disappears. Do you have any suggestions?

Thanks, Chiara

1 reply

Userlevel 5

Hi @Chiara Rignanese !

Do you mean it works on SOME browsers but not on OTHER browsers?  If you truly have a huge file -- and this is just a guess -- maybe some of your users’ computers just can’t handle the large size.

In my case, sometimes have this situation when trying to export my boards to PDF files - there are some boards that simply will not export.

In cases like this I try delete stuff from the board until it works. Sounds horrible!  But if you make a backup copy first and download it to your computer (and test it!) that might keep your blood pressure fairly low. :-)

