Miro and Zoom

hi Miro community! i have a dumb question that is driving me crazy:

  • i start a Zoom call
  • i share my screen in Zoom to display a Miro board
  • i share the link to the Miro board with the Zoom participants
  • ‘Susan’ on the call is looking not at my shared Zoom screen, but at the Miro board i shared earlier
  • Susan starts moving the Miro board around and zooming into and out of the Miro boar
  • Question:  will Susan’s manipulations of the Miro board, be visible in my shared Zoom screen that is focused on the same Miro board. will the zoom meeting members see the Miro board moving around and zooming in and out???

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi, @Tushar M and welcome to the Community!

To Answer your question: while any changes that Susan (or any other participants) make to the board will be visible to everyone as she is making them, your screen/Miro board will not change/show what Susan is doing.

If you do want to see what Susan is seeing, you can select her avatar from the participants panel and "follow" her. More on this in the following help center article:



thank you so very much for taking the time for this terrific reply. it’s a very welcome answer. i like to look around my copy of a Miro Board during a Zoom meeting and i just needed confirmation that i wasn’t disturbing the presenter!

i love the feature that selecting a user’s avatar will give me their perspective!

thank you again!

