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Methods for using Miro while facilitating an in-person meeting

Hi! Please point me towards content that describes how Miro can be used if a meeting is fully face-to-face (no one hybrid), co-located within the same conference room. Presume that there is a large video display (but not necessarily an interactive/smart display….rather, just a projection from a device). 

In other words, when facilitating a fully in-person meeting, is it wisest to go back to the old school whiteboards within the room? Is it awkward (or doable) to have everyone pull out their computers at certain points to have a “silent meeting” to populate a Miro whiteboard that would be projected on a display? 

I’m sure there’s already information on this -- but so far, all I’m finding are items relating to “hybrid” work. Again, this would not be a hybrid workshop---it would be 100% in person, and/or it would be 100% of people co-located within a large conference room, with me as the facilitator zooming in remotely on a large screen. 

TIA! Anne

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Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • July 21, 2022

@Anne Scarlett -

It comes down to what is most effective at achieving a given objective. If the rich tools which Miro provides enable a facilitator to get a better end result from an activity than an “old school” method, then that might justify everyone pulling out their computers.

There is certainly an efficiency gain with using Miro vs “real” sticky notes as you save the transcription effort.

This might also be a great way to do anonymized input for brainstorming or decisioning purposes.


  • Author
  • Active Contributor
  • 33 replies
  • July 21, 2022

For sure; makes sense. Do you know if anyone has case studies or experiences to share where they had a F2F workshop--and let’s say 30% of the workshop involved folks using their computers to collaborate on Miro. And maybe the remainder was a combo of facilitator scribing on old skool whiteboards/flip charts and presentations/discussions ?   

One question would be: Does it feel ridiculous to be in the same room, staring at our devices because we are using Miro? Does that create a barrier and make it feel less human? 

The answers are much different if it’s a hybrid session with online participants as well as F2F. 

Any links you can provide to blog posts/etc discussing this topic? 


PS> I just located this thread which is helpful---if you have any more recent input/feedback/sources on this topic of fully F2F, let me know :)

Véronique Carbonneau

Hi @Anne Scarlett

I would create frames that allow participant to populate with smaller tool ex. Their phone , or using only bulk mode to put their notes.. or vote.. maybe by inviting them only on board with the breakout option. 
So they need to interact with you on your larger screen to see everyting, but they can access to the Frames relevant to the question or the piece of the board you want them to reflect on.. 
That would be like sharing important screen shot of you Miro board. 

I don’t know if you understand ?