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Layer different colored frames on a background

  • 4 September 2020
  • 3 replies

Hello guys,

I have a white background (i.e. a rectangle) and gray frames I want to layer on top. But every time I drag the frame over the background or paste it on top of it, the gray disappears. The “bring to front/send to back” feature also does not help in this case. The only solution I have found is to put a gray rectangle in between the background and the frame, but that seems rather ineffective.

Does anybody have another solution or is this simply impossible?


3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Mariechristin Hähnel -

I believe that is how frames were designed - they are basically intended to be the underlying “placemat” for other Miro shapes.


Hi Marie Christin, 


I have had the same problem and I have found a solution to it.


  1. Create the background frame and add the colour to it. 
  2. Delete the smaller frame from the objects that you want to place inside the bigger background frame
  3. Move the group of objects (now without frame) into the background frame
  4. Select the group of objects that you placed in the background frame and create a new frame on top of the background frame. 
  5. Add another colour to the new frame placed on top of the background frame

This has worked for me - hope it also works for you :-) I guess it is the order in which you do these things that creates the problem. 


Kind regards,


I have discovered a much easier way to do it: 

  1. Delete the frame that is placed on top of the background frame
  1. Use the frame tool on the left side of the board to create a new frame and add the colour desired to it.

This also did the trick for me. I think the problem arises sometimes when a frame is dragged and dropped onto another frame.

