Kanban Card Problem - Impossible to select an assignee

  • 24 February 2022
  • 3 replies

Some collegues and I have currently the problem on every Miro board that we can not collect an assignee for the kanban card or that I can not collect a free user/guest (which was possible before). I can just assign people with a licence for Kanban cards. The people with the licence can collect everyone (also me who does not have a licence). I am a little bit lost because before it was possible and not not anymore. Does any of you does know how to solve the problem? Thanks!


3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Judith Baumeister -

As per this Help Center article on cards (https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020911193), you can’t assign a card to a Visitor which is how I’m assuming you are inviting your free users/guests.



thanks for your reply! 

I think the reason why i wonder is that some days ago I could done it and I was a guest user. So something has changed and we just do not know why. 



Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Judith Baumeister - it is my understanding that Guests should be able to assign Cards. Here is a recent post about this same issue:


It appears that a team member can assign to guests, but guests cannot assign to anyone except for themselves.

I have a ticket open with the Support team and will be updating the above post, so leave a reply there or subscribe to the post using the star icon.
