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All the text in all my textboxes are invisible. The actual text box is still there, and if i edit it, the text reappears, but as soon as I'm done, it becomes invisible again. The opacity of the text box remains, but not the text. This is happening in another of my boards too. The images i have uploaded in the past are in a similar situation. They are still there, but are invisible.

If i create a new text box with text, or upload a new image, they also become invisible. I did not do anything to make this happen. It just happened today. I updated my miro to the current version when i discovered this, and forced stop the app, but it's still not fixed. I opened an incognito tab, and accessed my miro account there, and it still has the same issues. 

What do i do? 

@Anthony M - Greetings from Saskatchewan /=S=/


Can you see any text on this board?

>BOARD DELETED – it had a single text box at size 48]


Your setup

  • What OS?
  • Device type? (tablet, laptop, mobile?)
  • How are you accessing Miro? Desktop app? Browser (which one)?
  • Are you able to try from another device?
  • If you are using a VPN, have you tried disabling it?

@Anthony M - In case you weren’t aware, if you are using a paid Miro subscription, you could also open a Miro support ticket by following these instructions:

I can see your text. 

My os is android, my device is a phone, I'm using the app that I downloaded in the app store, I do not have a vpn, and I just tried on another device, and it has the same issue. I'm also using a free account.

However, certain text boxes are visible, but it's only the Really big ones. 

@Anthony M - Thanks for the details.

I’ll assume you are using Android version 7 or higher, as per the mobile requirements help center article:


As another test, I’ll DM you a team invite link to a board in one of my free plan teams.

Where will you dm me? 

In this forum (I guess they call the private messages/PMs):

@Anthony M - After our troubleshooting via PMs, and assuming you are using Android 7 or higher, there is no reason I can see why the text boxes are blank for you.

I’ll request that your post be converted to a support ticket. When you receive the notification email that your ticket was created, I would suggest that you reply to that email to confirm:

  1. Your Android device type and version
  2. Set one of the problem board’s share settings to Anyone with the link → Viewer and share the link in the email.

A note to support: Miro mobile app version is: 

  • 3.25.30240649 is the version im using

Hopefully the support team can determine the issue.

I see. Thank you for the help with the troubleshooting, and ticket. 

As of now, the issue seems to have resolved itself. All the problems are not here anymore. I can see my text boxes and images, and can create and upload new ones that will remain visible. Neither I, or the Miro support team did anything to fix it, it just happened. I did uninstall, and reinstall the app last night, but once i opened the app, the issue remained.


I just opened miro right now, and the issue is resolved. I'll let you know if something else pops up, or if the issue arises again. Thanks for your time, and if you have any more questions, just let me know.

@Anthony M - Thanks for the update!
