Invisible lines

  • 2 February 2022
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 2

If I zoom out my board all the way out the lines between the notes become almost invisible. I changed the strength of the line from “line type” settings, but it is still very hard to see. I would like to confirm if anyone else have this problem? Or if anyone knows how to solve it?

As you can see in the picture below the lines are very hard to see:

With regards to Miro removing the double click functionality I assumed this is again some bad designed update and created a wish to make the lines more visible:

2 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Hi @Jovee!

Thanks for reaching out and sorry you’ve run into this issue.

I went ahead and created a support ticket for you so that the team could investigate this further. 🛠

The team will reach out to you shortly via email, so stay tuned!

Userlevel 2

Hi @Polina_E 

I shared an example board with the Miro support team to showcase the problem. I hope you find it from your email.​
