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Is there a way to easily import a diagram (flow chart) from Lucid chart to Miro? All the seemingly relevant options I see where export (Lucid) and import (Miro) match are for single layer images. I have a pretty complicated diagram in Lucid that I need in Miro and don’t want to have to recreate it from scratch. 

@James Bailey - At this time, there are no import options for Lucid-to-Miro. There is a wish List idea post requesting some integration that you may wan to upvote/reply to:

However, if you feel that idea doesn’t truly reflect what you are looking to accomplish, 

I’d recommend adding this as an Idea in the Wish List category by following the guidelines here: Wish List: Everything You Need to Know.

If you do create a Wish List Idea post, I would also recommend that you post a link to it back here, so that future readers of this post can quickly get to and vote for your Idea.

Lastly, don't forget to vote for your own Idea.


Create Miro objects from Lucid’s CSV Export

Looking at Lucid’s export options, outside of image types, there is the Visio and CSV - at this time, neither of these will help you.

Because there is on Vision-to-Miro option, that would leave CSV. However, Miro doesn’t know what to do with the CSV data (and likely will never take the time to build something that would read, process (and maintain) another platform’s output), this is also of no use to you… sort of.

If your Lucid diagram was full of a bunch of shapes, you could at least use the Lucid exported CSV, extract the CSV data to their own columns, and then copy-paste those onto the Miro board to end up with sticky notes. From there, you could easily change the object types.

Stickies Capture

You could also experiment with exporting your Lucidchart as an image and using Miro’s Stickies Capture to create sticky notes from the objects - again, transforming them to other object types later.

I did a quick test of this and noted that Lucid objects that more closely represent sticky note shapes work better.

My starting image from Lucid:


Miro stickies capture:



The result:


Thanks, Robert. Someone shared the below process with me that worked pretty well : ) 

LucidChart → File → Export → Visio (VSDX)

Miro → More tools/Apps → Diagramming → Import diagram (top left "download" sign, don't ask) → new map is created from file

@James Bailey - My mind is literally blown right now as I have never heard of this in Miro! However, when I look, I do not have this feature. Perhaps you are on a beta of a new feature.

When I go here:


I do not see any Import diagram option:


Can you share a screenshot, or maybe even a screen recording? (Loom is free and easy to create & share a screen recording).

Yep here go… 


@James Bailey -Thanks for the screenshot! And the result of the import was a diagram created from Miro objects which are editable?

@James Bailey @Robert Johnson Seems to be a beta feature only available on Business and Enterprise Plans. I have an Enterprise account and have the Import diagram option as well. Fascinating! 

Yes, editable. Only had to adjust some of the positioning of the objects/connectors. 

@James Bailey hi

I followed all the steps you mentioned, and I got a message that import was successful, however, on the newly created board I don’t see anything… it looks blank. Any idea why?


@James Bailey hi

I followed all the steps you mentioned, and I got a message that import was successful, however, on the newly created board I don’t see anything… it looks blank. Any idea why?


same problem - nothing happens after that. no diagram seems to be imported.


Hi @Noga Weiss, @Christie John,

Thanks for reporting!

Alyona from Miro Support is stepping in for a moment 👋

The import works fine on our end, so we would appreciate if you could share some additional details for us to investigate the issue you're reporting further. First of all, would any of you be able to share the VSDX file you're trying to upload? You don't have to do it in this thread; we can create a support ticket for you. In addition to that, could you clarify what exactly happens once the diagram is imported? The board doesn't appear? Or the board gets created but without content?

I could create a dummy diagram and follow the process and send you the details. Please send me a ticket. 

it says imported succesfully but nothing happens then. The board remains empty as if nothing happened. 

This would be great, @Christie John!

Sent a ticket your way, please check your inbox 🤞

@Noga Weiss, @Christie John,

I have a follow-up question from the developers. Could you let us know if you see the same dialog window once the diagram is uploaded and if you tried clicking the Go to board button? 

I'm asking that because even though you need to have a board open to import a diagram, the uploaded file will appear on a new board rather than the one you already have open. 

If you export from LucidChart as VSDX, and import that to, then export from to Miro, you get a MARGINALLY better result. Not much better, still tab by tab, and you still lose all the comments, but at least it doesn’t truncate all the text. 

Comparison :

  1. Exported from LucidChart as vsdx, imported into Miro. Text is all the wrong size, so it runs over the edges of objects, and neither objects nor text can be mass-adjusted. Text not in a "box" that runs over is simply lost. Comments are all lost.
  2. Exported from LucidChart as vsdx, imported into Not bad! Some arrows on other diagrams are misaligned, but the text-fit and truncation issues do not occur. Comments are all lost.
  3. Exported the above from, imported into Miro. Text inside and outside objects survives at the correct size. Text that was not in an object is now in a random outline box, but is not truncated. Neither objects nor text can be mass-adjusted. Arrows go strange sizes and routes all over the place and can also not be adjusted en masse. Exporting is per tab now, and all the comments were already lost.

Hi @TAnnison,

Alyona from Miro Support is stepping in for a moment!

I've shared your feedback with the product team, and they asked if it'll be possible for you to share this .vsdx file so they can understand why the direct uploading to Miro doesn't give you better results. If you are willing to share the file, please let me know, and I'll convert your message to a support ticket so you can send the file within the ticket thread.

Sure, thanks!

@Alyona (and thread). 
I’ve been following this and other threads on the Visio and/or LucidChart topics as I’m an in a similar scenario. 
I was able to import a .vsdx relatively easily by using the “upload from backup” feature on the Miro boards view: 

(Import from backup > All files > choose .vsdx)


That created a new board, containing the swimlane diagram created in Visio by a peer, which is great! 
However, it still seems I would have to re-create almost from scratch since: 
 - there are no “swim lanes” in Miro (just a rectangle spanning multiple lanes) 
 - all of the boxes in Visio are now just “text” elements in Miro, not “shapes” where I would normally be able to change the shape, format etc: 

(no “shape” options)

Again, I’m trying to steer many folks away from Lucid and Visio into Miro, and potentially get us upgraded to an enterprise plan, but we use these tools a lot for process diagramming (swimlanes, VSM mostly, then a few other more free form that Miro is great at), but without being able to bring a lot of the work already created that’s going to be a challenge :( 

I hope this helps the development team inform or steer any feature decisions :) 

+1. Trying to move from Lucid to Miro. Exporting to VSDX and then importing that works alright, but see some losses and funny stuff happen. I wish Lucid had a native format you could export to and I thought that it would since Miro import says you can import from Lucid.. but how if there is no native Lucid format? 

Hi all. I have exported .VSDX with swimlane (3) from Lucid and Import to MIRO Business Plan. I secced in it, all shapes are ok, but i can’t modify the single swimlane (make it bigger or smaller), but only the “all frame” of the three swimlane together, or the single title...

Hi team, 

I’ve tried to upload a simple .VSDX doc via the Import button on Miro it simply doesn’t work. 


Hi all, the same error occured to me.

HI @CarloBovini actually I need to revert on that, I realised that I tried to Import a file in a Team I had no rights to - so perhaps this is the same for you ? 

Now that I have been invited by my organization to a Team where I have rights, I was able to import the file. The result is crappy though, a bunch of text wasn’t copied but at least the shapes are there.

Thank You @Diane1234 unfortunally I am an Admin so I create the Team but still it doesn’t work. I have tryed to import a different diagram from Lucid and it works!, so I think there is a problem with swimlane or other thinks in the specific diagram that Miro don’t like to import :D
