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How can I unlock my Miro-Board again?

  • 7 June 2024
  • 7 replies

Dear Community!

I need some help with the following problem
I am using the free Miro version with up to three boards. I have three boards – two of them I can edit as usual. However, the third, that is the one I use quite regularly, seems to be locked as a whole all of a sudden: I can’t move/delete/edit/add anything. I logged out/in, re-started, tried to share it to another E-Mail-adress, but then the message “locked board cannot be shared” appears on the screen. Unfortunately I cannot find the setting, where to lock/unlock the complete board. Where can i do that?

Help is highly appreciated!
Many thanks in advance

7 replies

Userlevel 4

Hi @Sarah Rinderer - we’re sorry to hear about this! Can you please confirm if you’ve already tried clearing your cache, restarting your computer and opening Miro in a different browser (i.e. if you’re using Safari, try opening in Chrome)? 

Also, can you confirm if you have signed up for an account (vs. using Miro Lite), and whether you own the locked board or if it was shared with you from someone else/team? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Sarah Rinderer  - With Free Plans, there are two, quite similar scenarios.

Locked boards


This happens when the team was previously a paid (or trial) subscription and the board was set to private. To unlock the board, follow these steps:


View-Only boards


If you are over your e-editable board limit, only the last three created boards will be editable and the rest will be view-only. NOTE: This limit is for the entire team, and not each user. if you are only seeing three boards and one is view-only, your dashboard is likely set to only show boards you own - you could change this to see all boards:


Hi @Maria Pedone  & @Robert Johnson ,
many thanks for your fast responses!!
I can confirm:
– that I cleared the cache,
– restarted the computer
– it doesn’t work in Firefox (my normal browser) and Chrome, but suprisingly it does work in Safari
– I signed up for an account
– and I also own the board
– in my team there are only three boards in total
The solution that is suggested by the link shared by @Robert Johnson  is sharing the privat/locked board with the team. That’s when I get the message „locked board cannot be shared“ in Firefox.

But now that it works in Safari, I’m already happy to be able to edit it again!
Maybe it will resolve with a future browser update also for the other ones. :)

Thank you again!

Update: Unfortunately now I have the same problem as before in Safari also. It worked for a short time, but now that I closed it and wanted to come back to it, its the same again – I can’t make any edits.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Sarah Rinderer - Can share a screenshot of your dashboard? →



Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Sarah Rinderer - Also, as per the The board is locked help center article shared above, have you ensured that your board’s “Team” access is NOT set to “No access?” For example:


@Robert Johnson – Many many thanks for your advise and help! What solved the problem now was duplicating the board… I don’t know exactly why, but am very happy that everything works again! :))

Thanks again!
