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How can I find boards to which I was given links without adding me to the team? For example, early on, I could see them in recent, but now I only see boards in my teams. Where did the boards that were sent to me via the guest link go?

Hi @Gokhberg Mikhail,


Thanks for your question!

Based on my testing, it seems that boards where my test profile was only a visitor didn’t appear in the "Recent" tab of my dashboard either. I’ve reached out internally to confirm whether this is the expected behavior with the new UI or if it’s something that can be improved. I’ll keep you updated once I get a response.


In the meantime, I recommend reaching out to support to expedite the process. Our Supports might have more details on this behavior and could assist you further.


Hope this helps for now!

Hi @Gokhberg Mikhail 


I got an update from the team!


This is expected with the new UI. Before, the Starred boards and Recent boards sections were showing boards across all teams. However, this led to confusion and security concerns, so the behaviour was changed.


In the new dashboard, you will only see starred boards from organizations you are part of and have currently selected on the dashboard.

The workaround is to bookmark the boards in your browser for easier access.


Hope this helps!

Hi @Eca!
As a regular user for many years who works in different teams, including with colleagues who share boards without adding to the team, I have feedback for the “team.” That is a terrible solution. How can you make an interface where I cannot save the open-for-me boards? At the same time, on the market, we have a typical solution that adds a list of boards that "was shared with me." I hope user feedback is important to your company.

Hi @Gokhberg Mikhail 

Thank you for sharing your feedback — I understand how this change can be frustrating, especially for users like you who work across different teams and frequently access shared boards without being added to the team.


I’ve passed your feedback along to the team, as it's important for us to hear directly from users who are impacted by these updates. We value this kind of input and will take it into account as we continue refining the experience.


Let me know if there’s anything else we can help with in the Community!

Hi, @Eca!

Could you please pass on my feedback as well? It's the same — the new dashboard UI is a small workflow disaster.

I understood the security concerns, but there are many less invasive ways to improve security. For example: hide boards from foreign teams behind a spoiler; outline them with a “danger zone” layout; provide an option to show or hide them; place them in a separate menu or tab; etc.

Another drawback of the new UI is that it has become highly inconvenient to navigate between teams.

  • Previously: Simply take a glance at the sidebar to find a team by its image and click. One click.
  • Now: Open the “Change team” menu, scroll through the list of organizations without any images to find the one I need, open its sub-menu and then finally click on the team to access it. This is three clicks without images as visual aids.

Miro's UI is mostly brilliant, but it's an unfortunate exception. I hope there will be some compromise.

Thank you, and have a good day!

Hi @Kit Sowka,


Thank you for your thoughtful feedback!


I understand your concerns about the new UI and how it's affected your workflow. You've provided some great suggestions for balancing security with usability, and I’ll make sure to pass them along to the product team.

