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I’m having a problem with the text in both Sticky Notes and just general square shapes with text in them where the text within gets distorted as I move around the board. 

Sometimes the text inside completely changes (it’ll duplicate a couple words over and over), it’ll have some words in a bigger font size and some in a smaller size, and other times it’s just plain weird, or words are getting shared between stickies. 

I’ve tried changing the sticky note sizes to Small, Medium, Large. I’ve tried moving the text into square shapes. And I keep having the same issue happen. 

This makes it really difficult to lead an effective meeting, because I have to double-click back into a sticky note or shape to actually see what the text is supposed to be. 


Hi @Sarah M. This is a new one for me.

The first culprit that comes to mind is a browser or a browser extension is interfering with the Miro objects.

Are you using a browser? If so, have you tried

  • disabling all browser extensions?
  • an incognito window?
  • clearing your cache?
  • clearing your cookies?
  • singing out and back in to Miro?
  • another browser?
  • the Miro desktop app?

Does this happen for any other users on the board?

Does this happen for you on all boards?

Are you able to try from another device?

If you are on a paid subscription, you can also report this directly to the Miro support team - instructions can be found here → 

@Robert Johnson : Thank you for responding! 

For whatever reason, my boards are working again today. 

This HAD been happening for a couple days and across multiple boards. 

I’m not entirely sure what fixed it, but it seems to be okay now. The age old “Can you come take a look at this problem?” and then it fixes itself 🤷🏻 🙃


Will report back if I see it again!

Hi @Sarah M 

Great to hear this worked out for you! Thanks for letting us know. 

I have been experiencing this issue today, as I zoom in and out, words on sticky notes and text blocks swap with each other, get overlaid and generally re-write themselves, yet it doesn’t appear to happen in an Incognito session, and restarting my browser appears to fix it sometimes.  Capturing my notes in case it helps others.

  • Chrome Version 126.0.6478.183 (Official Build) (x86_64)
  • MacOS Sonoma Version 14.3 (23D56)

I tried:

  1. Disabling all extensions (no difference)
  2. Deleting third party site data (no difference)
  3. Deleting site data for + third party (no difference)
  4. Deleting site data for, + third party (no difference)
  5. Deleting local storage and session storage (no difference)
  6. Deleted cached images and files (all time) (no difference)
  7. Signed out and back in (no difference)
  8. Incognito (issue does not appear)
  9. Quit browser and start again (issue sometimes reappears, sometimes doesn’t)

I don’t have the Miro Desktop App.

I’ve been having this issue too, on two separate Miro accounts and in both a regular and incognito browser window. It’s lasted for three days. 


Chrome Version 127.0.6533.73 (Official Build) (x86_64)  - also the one before, I just updated


It’s absolutely maddening. I was moderating a retrospective yesterday and kept having to restart my browser in the hopes it would clear, but it didn’t. 

@Nick Myers / @Chrissy Fleming – Have either of you reported this to the support team?

If you are using a paid Miro subscription, you can open a Miro support ticket by following these instructions:

@Robert Johnson yes, I did - case: 740686

Here’s a recording of the issue in action (also attached to support issue)

@Nick Myers - Thanks for confirming, and for sharing the video 🙏

It could be helpful for the rest of the Community who have replied to/may be subscribed to this thread if you could fire off a quick note here with what the support team tells you. 🤜🤛

Hello fellow Miroians!
Cross-linking this Community thread about the same issue, with a working solution.

Sidenote: The issue only appears for me in the Chrome browser (not in the Miro app or Safari).
[May be a Mac-only issue, related to GPU settings in Chrome]

Thank you, @JR Gunderson DSG ! Appreciate this, as it will surely help someone else in the future!

It looks like I am having the same problem, and the descriptions I read in this thread are matching my experience with the issue…

This video that was posted is exactly what I see happening in Chrome as well. It’s maddening.

I saw the note about GPU settings in Chrome.


If you set the graphics acceleration to “off” Miro immediately stopped behaving this way with how text boxes are being displayed, and now I can zoom in and out without the distortion and garbled lines of text.

However, this does not solve the main issue I have with this, and that OTHER people viewing my boards are not going to know how to change that setting and therefore are going to think I am a moron for not being able to fix the copy blocks in my boards.
