
Does Mira embed well in

  • 9 January 2021
  • 1 reply


We've gotten a large number of requests about people wanting the ability to embed Mira on a white board inside of  (a platform that allows you to create your own private office or event space inside a 2D virtual world with proximity-based video chatting). It seems the policy that embedment only works on enterprise plans based on this post:


Is there anywhere to see or test how well the embedment works or allow others to test it out without being on the enterprise plan? Is there a demo board that can be embeded? Or would Mira be willing to redirect to a "oops sorry" page whenever people see a "refuse to connect" message?


Best answer by Kate Sachs Leventhal 10 January 2021, 17:46

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Hi! I found your post while I was trying to figure this out myself, and in the end actually just figured out how do to this. So I thought I’d add an answer.

You don’t actually need an enterprise plan at all. It will work without it. It looks like they only mention enterprise plans because if you have an enterprise plan, there is a central setting you have to change in order to have this level of sharing possible.

Anyway, with ANY kind of plan (even free), looks like you can just visit the help center post you mentioned ( and follow the instructions there, including how the board needs to be shared, etc. Then, when you get to the part about copying the embed code, ONLY copy the website part of the code. So just copy everything inside the quotation marks in src=”https...” and paste that into the gather town “embed website” field.

I tried this and it worked for me! The only thing that isn’t ideal about this setup is that the space for the tools on the lefthand side (select a shape, post-it, etc.) in the embedded Miro board is quite small, so you have to keep scrolling up and down to get different tools.

Good luck, hopefully this is helpful!