We recently acquired a company and are going to use their Jira instance instead of ours. I need to reinstall the Jira Card integration and repoint to their Jira. I tried to uninstall the Jira Cards Plugin according the the help article located at: https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019501754-How-to-Set-Up-and-to-Uninstall-Jira-Cards. The Uninstalling Jira Cards plugin section has a step 2 to disable a webhook. This never shows up when I uninstall. Instead, I see an uninstall prompt and when clicked, Jira Cards seems to uninstall.
The issue is when I try to reinstall so that I can connect to the new instance, it just shows as reinstalled without walking through the installation instructions. Does anyone know how I can repoint. This is making Miro unusable for us.