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Can I embed Miro boards into my Canvas site and have them update/refresh?

  • 4 September 2020
  • 2 replies

Hey all -

I’m putting together a module in Canvas in which I’d like to have Miro boards embedded. I planned on having the students run an exercise on separate Miro boards and then “bring them all back” to a main Zoom room where I can share our Canvas page and show what all the different groups did by looking at multiple boards all embedded on the Canvas page. But now when I test it it seems that the embedded Miro boards won’t update with changes made to their linked board. I’ve tried refreshing the page, testing in Incognito mode and reloading the frame.

Any help would be HUGE as I planned on using this setup throughout the course.

@tim ferguson sauder - I had not heard of Canvas, so I had to Google it for a bit more context. Having not used the Miro embed myself, I quickly set up a Google Sites page and tried it out and, yes, I see what you mean about the embedded version not updating to reflect changes that were made on a board - it’s almost as if a snapshot/lite version of the board is captured somewhere when you first generate the embed code.

I decided to take a look at the Embedding Boards into Websites help article where I didn’t see any notes about refreshing embeds, however, I did see a note that, “at the moment, links and comments are not displayed on embedded boards”, so depending on your board’s contents, this could present additional challenges for you.

While it may not help you right away, perhaps you should check out a post by @Boris Borodyansky (Platform Product Manager at Miro) as Boris recently put our a call for people looking to test a new Miro Embed experience. Given your use case, this new experience may help you achieve your desired outcome! 

In the meantime, you may need to follow the old adage of, ‘sometimes the simplest solution is the best one’, and just load the Miro board in a browser or Miro desktop app and share your screen in Zoom.

Thanks Robert -

I messaged Boris. I appreciate the response. Hopefully Miro adds updating embeds soon.

All well,

  • tim
