Dear Miro community members,
This is our first semester jointly teaching practicals in a multidisciplinary engineering undergrad course using zoom and miro in sync, and we are excited to learn what we can do with miro. We have an educational licence
One question we had in the practical yesterday:
when we make students in the class work in separate boards in small groups (we prefer this to having one big board as there are 80 students) when they are in zoom breakout rooms at the same time, broadcasting a message to all of them (such as “5 minutes left”) from zoom can go unnoticed because they minimize zoom and concentrate on the miro board. I understand we can use comments with @team mention to draw their attention (which we have not tried yet): there are 12 boards synchrounously active, shall we put the comment on all boards? Any suggestions how to best get their immediate attention as the wholde class all at once will be very much appreciated.