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Board not there

  • January 21, 2022
  • 1 reply

I have a free Miro account, and have a couple of questions:

  1.  I created a board recently, but it’s nowhere to be found in my account.  Help!
  2.  There is a board that shows up on my dashboard called “My First Board” that I don’t remember creating, and I can’t delete it.
  3. I created the other boards on my dashboard, but they don’t show up as being owned by me!  I am definitely the one who created them, so why is this happening.
  4. The only one that shows up as being owned by me (“Holiday Retro”) is one that I created by duplicating one of the ones I’d already created (which don’t show up as being owned by me). Does duplicating a board in the free account create some sort of wonkiness that’s causing these things?
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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7248 replies
  • January 21, 2022

@DLW - sorry for no answering in order, but I'm ony phone and it's rather tedious to jump around from browser tab to tab, to my photo gallery, etc.

It is quite possible that your Miro account profile is a member of more than one team. If so, then you may not currently be viewing the dashboard of the team where you created the board.


You can switch swtich between the teams by clicking on the icons. 

If you only have one team and can't see the board, check to make sure that don't have a filter set:


If you only have one team and still can't find your board, you may have been a member of another team, created a board in that team, and then someone deleted you from that team.

If there are baordd that you are sure you created, but are no longer the owner, someone could have deleted you from the team and then immediately added you back - you would have lost ownership when that happened. 
