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What do you wish Miro AI could do?


Interested in making Miro AI even better? Have a creative idea that could help you solve a work problem even faster in Miro? Add your dream AI product features to our Wishlist here. Share your ideas on Miro’s functionality with the community and the Miro team, discuss, and upvote ideas of other members. Get creative! Our team can’t wait to see your ideas!



 To help our product team process your wishlist item faster, follow be sure to include the hashtag #MiroAI 💡



😁Just because I represent the French language communty of users 🙂 and because I would be curious to be able to use it in this language too; Miro AI in french 

Matching 2 stickies to generate more other AI stickies or prompt easily

😁Just because I represent the French language communty of users 🙂 and because I would be curious to be able to use it in this language too; Miro AI in french 

Yes!! We hear you, stay tuned for the next coming weeks!!  -- “Miro AI's interface is currently available in English. Over the next few weeks we'll make it available for more languages including (French, German, Japanese, Spanish).”

Being able to go from the creation in Miro straight to a card in Trello as I collaborate with my devs there. If I coud select different elements and move those to a card without having to copy paste that would be amazing.


Would love to group stickies, add a tag to some stickies proposed by AI. So I would ask a question to the stickies, and a tag- short lst would be proposed. Then a subgroup of tagged stickies would be created.

From this whole group of stickies (the tagged and not tagged total, I would like to calculate in Miro AI:

  1. calculate percentage of tagged and not tagged to the total group of selected stickies
  2. then apply a Survey monkey calculation of Margins of Error with a (a) input of population, (b) Confidence level % (presets: 80,85,90,95,99 😵 , and C , a Sample size. This calculation page to AI simulate/ coly? is:
  3. That calculate the Margin of error from the # of sample population.

    attached screens (sample # is filled in RED stickies), margin of error % in GREEN

    attached: a screens dump from SurveyMonkey showing the calculation of Margin of error % page with inputs.

    Can we replicate this process in MiroAI - or borrow the calculation math from SurveyMonkey for this>?

    all in-MiroAI? (not in-Vitro haha)


Create a process map using AI. Just enter the “how to achieve X without y” and the miro list all the steps with start/end step, process steps, deicison tree 

AI powered #MiroArt! Or what do you say, @Said Saddouk😄

AI powered #MiroArt! Or what do you say, @Said Saddouk😄

There already is a Miro-App for creating Sticky Art although it is made by HI not AI, @Henrik Ståhl 😁.

Personally, I would prefer to use AI to assist me in creating and organizing a workshop. 

Wish I’d seen this earlier, hopefully Miro developers are still listening!


I have Miro boards I’ve been working on for 3+ years and the amount of my thoughts and data contained within them is intimidating - there’s no way I have the time to go through them all to create my own summaries of what’s contained BUT AI could DEFINITELY help here!


I have all kinds of different text boxes and stickies so it would need to work with all text contained in the board (and maybe eventually image content and video’s that are linked!).

I want to ask Miro AI to:

  • Summarize all of the topics contained in my board
  • For each of those topics, summarize my thoughts into bullet points and/or paragraphs
  • Create ideas for strategies based on both the total content of a board and certain specific topics within a board 
  • Gather the content of a selection of text (within stickies and text boxes) and put it into a new text box, all together (with the extra option to also summarize it)

It needs to be able to use natural language with these options too, just like GPT4.

Please keep me updated, thanks!

@Manouska @Sophia Chia 

It would be wonderful if  … we could extend our Miro Assist quota, and/or we can use our own OpenAI API key, so that Miro assist can run on our own OpenAI account TPM and quotas.

😁Just because I represent the French language communty of users 🙂 and because I would be curious to be able to use it in this language too; Miro AI in french 

Has this been resolved? 

It can be french if you add Miro Assist actions to a frame, and then include in the prompt “Always Respond in French”.

Hi All, 

After testing the AI features for some time, mainly the sticky notes, presentation option and some diagramming, I noticed that Miro users could very much benefit from AI helping with the design adjustments, or aligning specific frames, content, etc.

Here are some specific suggestions which I personally would find very useful: 

  • Presentations to be more advanced - I very much like the feature of the presentations, but the designs seem to be very limited, it would be good to be able to design each frame or all frames together
  • Frame design adjustments (similar as it is possible in power point, where there are different designs of a page recommended)
  • More diagramming - ideally a diagramming showing also a departmental tasks - my idea is suggested here
  • Specific elements based on existing text - it seems to me that the AI sticky notes and specific document types are created for the purpose of creating the content as well. I would prefer to be able to include existing text and just translate it to these elements.
  • Sticky notes to be more advanced - creating more than 10 sticky notes at a time, also possibility to add hierarchy based on the text
  • Vector Images or stickers - I am not sure if this is currently possible, but an idea of creating a vector image or a sticker that can be further adjusted (also using AI) could be a very nice idea (e.g. I use the template “mountain of tomorrow”, it would be nice if I could create similar images and further on being able to adjust them to fit my needs)

Thank you for considering implementing some of these ideas as well for bringing the AI features! I am very excited to see what comes next! :) 


BYOAI for Business Plan ASAP

AI offers a huge democratisation of organisational capabilities, you have a role in helping that equity be achieved especially for Creatives and Smaller Scale ups trying to push the boundaries.

Enable smaller business owners to have same power as enterprise and you will benefit from amazing context focused insights.

Things are moving so fast, love what you do and want to have the same freedom with Miro to Augment with AI as I do with other platforms.

Hi All, I would like to follow up on my previous post and share my feedback on Miro AI after using it for some time now.

Overall, I wish there was more focus on visual creation rather than text generation, as text can already be efficiently handled with ChatGPT.

We still spend a lot of time manually aligning diagrams and refining layouts. It would be great if AI could:
✅ Auto-align and distribute elements
✅ Suggest more structured diagram formats (so far there are no AI templates in this section)
✅ Optimize spacing and layout automatically

This would save time and improve productivity, allowing us to focus on content rather than manual adjustments.

Looking forward to future enhancements!

