Create eye-catching diagrams with Style Presets

  • 11 March 2022
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 6

Hello community!

Easily style your diagrams & shapes  

With Style Presets you can quickly create eye-catching diagrams and save time on styling. Highlights of this feature include: 

  • Six styles to choose from to apply to Basic Shapes and Flowcharts

  • All newly created shapes will automatically be styled to your preference 

  • Team members can more easily understand diagramming flows

We would love to see some of your creations and get feedback. You can reach me at or post them below in the comments.

Visit our help center for more information, plus tips and tricks to improve your diagramming. 

Happy diagramming,

1 reply

Hi, in these presets, can you also set the font style? For some reason, on one of my boards, the default is for the text to be strikethrough, so I have to remove the strikethrough every time. It would also be nice to be able to set font styles in these presets, not only the background colours of the shapes (which is also useful).
