Welcome to the Miro Forum! We are so happy to have you here. 🤗 We’re here to create a space where Miro users can share knowledge , learn, collaborate, and connect with one another. These Community Guidelines should not only help you understand how to act within the community but also help you understand what to expect from others in this space. Community Guidelines How to report violations of the Community Guidelines How to get technical support FAQs Community Guidelines Your participation here is subject to these Guidelines, in addition to our Online Community Terms of Use: 1. Be professional, kind, and courteous Respect your fellow users by keeping your tone positive and your comments constructive. Good or bad, your feedback, thoughts, and questions are always valued as long as it is offered in a professional and courteous way. NSFW content is also considered a direct violation of this policy. 2. No hate speech, bullying, or harassment Bullying or harassment of any kind isn't allowed, and degrading comments about race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender, or identity are not allowed. Posts that insult another community member or Miro staff will also not be tolerated. 3. No spam No submitting posts not related to Miro or relevant topics. Spamming also includes submitting duplicate or multiple posts on the same topic. And remember: patience is a virtue. If you’ve asked a question in one location and it hasn’t been answered right away, be patient. Please don’t ask the same question in multiple locations. It’s not cool. 4. Protect everyone’s privacy… including your own Respect other members’ privacy, and protect your own. Don't share private or personally identifying information in public areas, or disclose any information that is confidential. 5. No Soliciting Posts with the explicit intent to sell a product or service will be removed. Unsolicited private messages are a direct violation of this policy. 6. Represent yourself accurately We don’t expect everyone’s Forum username to match their legal name or business name exactly (although that would be great!), but be sure that your displayed name does not misrepresent your business or identity. It is against our rules for users not currently employed by Miro to have “Miro” or any variation in their username. Persistent or excessive violations of these guidelines will result in a temporary or permanent suspension of your ability to post. Miro reserves the right to remove any content from the Forum at any time, for any reason, or suspend your Forum account without prior notice and at our discretion. Miro staff have full discretion to address any behavior that they feel is problematic and we will evaluate each incident on a case by case basis. Such actions are not up for public discussion. How to report violations of the Community Guidelines Should you come across a post or a comment that goes against these guidelines, please click on the three dots on the bottom right of a post, and click "Flag." A member of the Miro Community Team will review and take the appropriate actions. We reserve the right to remove posts or delete accounts in the event they are detrimental to the Miro Forum. How to get technical support The Miro Forum is one of the best ways to ask questions on the best ways to use Miro and receive answers. If you’re looking for official support when it comes to technical questions, bugs, billing issues, etc. please try searching for this in the Help Center or contact our awesome Miro Support team. FAQs If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to discover how to navigate here check out the community FAQs.