Diagramming Power-Up: Tips and Tricks

  • 2 July 2020
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Tips and Tricks for Diagramming: Shapes & Lines


I feel your pain. You can see the whole complex system in your mind… but your hand just can’t get it out into Miro fast enough. Miro is brilliant at making diagramming easy and powerful, but some of the coolest features to help this aren’t immediately obvious. Here’s a round-up of some of my favorite tips and tricks.

Did I miss some that you like? LMK 


Happy diagramming :slight_smile:


Diagramming Tips and Tricks:  Shape and Line Magic

The world is but a network of networks.  Let’s grapple with these complex systems with ease and style. 

Here’s some of my favorite tips and tricks to build networks, systems, processes quickly and attractively.

You may want to increase the playback speed - that’s as fast as my brain-mouth-miro-hand could work :rolling_eyes:



Easily Re-style and Clean up your Diagram for Presentation: 

A clean consistent diagram is like a grammar and spell-checked memo or report.  Don’t let poor present-ability get in the way of communicating your brilliance. 

Here’s a quick demo of some key techniques to keep your diagrams pretty, organized and presentable. This one has no audio.


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