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Visualise ChatGPT prompt|response using arrow|object pairs

  • October 23, 2023
  • 1 reply

Where I’m coming from

I’m using Miro in a BA/Service Designer/Consultant capacity.  Over time, I’ve pared down my toolset to to (1) Atlassian Cloud platform and (2) Miro.


Like many knowledge workers, I now make heavy use of GPT4 during upstream discovery.  Currently I exit Miro to run the prompt/response, then copy/paste GPT responses and edit in Miro text boxes:

  1. Leave Miro and type prompt in GPT4 web tab
  2. Iterate in GPT4 tab
  3. Copy responses in GPT4 tab
  4. Switch to Miro tab and paste (creating poorly formatted text box)
  5. Iterate, ad nauseam

Potential solution(s)

  1. Allow Miro users to use their OpenAI account to perform/visualise chats using simple Miro objects, like text box and arrows.
  2. Parse and gracefully format GPT4 responses (e.g. “**” → BOLD)

You probably want to leave app makers to go down the rabbit hole and really flesh out the myriad possibilities for handling multipart prompt/response pairs, but a basic integration looks like low-hanging fruit, and a real time-saver since we could incorporate this into live meetings and workshops, fact checking and ideation.  A lot of bang for your buck.  From Miro’s pov, it keeps the conversations happening inside Miro.

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