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Version history

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I am making manual backup of our boards once in a while. We have more than 100 boards, so it takes a lot of time, and as I am not the administrator of all boards, I need to ping other people to backup their boards. This is VERY tedious.  

Instead of backup, I would prefer Version History. If I was able to see old versions of boards, then there would be no need for backup. A ‘Restore this version’ button would be nice, but I can live with copying the content if necessary.

If there is a challenge with storage and performance because Miro saves changes individually, then consider bundling changes. A version stored every 10th or 30th minute would be sufficient. Then I will never loose that much work. 

I have read through the community posts and it looks like there are many users wishing for a better backup/version history solution. If this is a duplicate of another Idea, please let me know.

Version history would be awesome.  If the Miro team is concerned about server space, then maybe version history is limited to the previous 14 days or something along those lines.

Occasionally something gets deleted from our boards, either by accident, or a team member.  Because there is no version history we have no way of knowing what was deleted unless it was caught right away.

Upvoting this wish list item….

Version History and Named Versions are the missing features from this amazing tool. I deal with fairly large Miro boards on a daily basis where multiple team members contribute. I am constantly worried that someone may accidentally delete something or I myself change some layout but need to revert back. 


As a game developer, I would like to track how the board changes with different brainstorming sessions. We usually add new features and put new stuff on our mood board. and they will change based on our session and decisions. it would be an awesome feature to see the previous version of the game and how we get there. and then even iterate on it.
I really like to see this feature above all others and it is the most useful one in my opinion. thanks for bringing it up.

Just ran into this and adding my support for a revision history or a way to back out changes you didn’t do or did in a previous session.  I had one of my participants try to delete a “drawing” made up of several shapes by drawing a box around it and hitting delete.  He didn’t realize he had also picked up parts of others and deleted those too.

Anyone have ideas around avoiding that?  Right now, I make periodic copies and I can cut and paste from the copy to the original to fix things.

This is a massive issue. We have been using Miro in our small team for a while and the rest of our department really want to get in on the action, but the lack of version history is a real danger. We have resorted to separating out boards to reduce the risk of accidental changes, but this reduces the benefits of collaboration we want.

A proper version history and ability to undo/revert is must have feature for large collab boards..

My comment from other thread:


This is a massive issue. We have been using Miro in our small team for a while and the rest of our department really want to get in on the action, but the lack of version history is a real danger. We have resorted to separating out boards to reduce the risk of accidental changes, but this reduces the benefits of collaboration we want.

A proper version history and ability to undo/revert is must have feature for large collab boards..


Hey everybody! I can assure you this issue is something which is in our focus. As a first step, we’ve just released Content Recovery feature which allows you to restore recently deleted content. 

You can read more here

I hope it helps.


Do you have any plans to implement version history?

Just echoing the same request, it would be great to have some sort of version management to distinguish changes and see the history.


Hi @Anton Telitsyn! Could you please give us some update about Miro’s plans regarding version history for boards? 😊 Perhaps some ETA?

Hey Serhii! Sorry, I can't tell ETA for now, but I’ll drop a message here once have any news that can be shared.

Hi @Anton Telitsyn, I’m adding my support for this as an essential required feature. 

Not to jump too far ahead, but analogous to software version control the ability to compare versions from history with differences highlighted and a mechanism to select and restore individual differences (“merge to trunk head”) would be an extremely useful feature.  I understand that is a significant increase in complexity beyond version history/version labeling.  Thanks for your consideration!

Hey @Danny Mc! Thanks for your request!

I see that you are asking for not Version History, but something like full Version Control. Could you elaborate on the cases? Why you need such logic as merging individual differences?

I would like see a version history and restore an especific point, just like on Figma.

Hi @Tay Penini 

Welcome to the Miro Online Community!

Please have a look at this documentation/guide of Activity List

Yes +100 on version history. For now my use case is to have named versions and undo support to may be last x number of edits during an active session may be like how MS Word supports it today.

But again if I I have to pick one, named versioning is a good start. Provide ability to name a design and then continue editing and later be able to go back to a named version.
Would be even nice if I can create a new project from an existing named version so that I don’t lose the latest version.

I’m managing Miro instance with 50+ users and not having history is significantly limiting our usage of Miro as a primary tool for our documentation. Every time we wrap up a project after release, we have to make a static copy of Miro diagram with solution and embed it in Confluence page as a picture, just to make sure it won’t be changed later. Being able to embed a named version instead of that, would be really great.

We would even consider switching to Enterprise edition if it was part of its feature set (would be more attractive than paying “SSO tax”)

While it’s very cool that I can restore deleted items, when someone edits an existing item I cannot restore that nor do I see a history of the edits to an item.


I would like to have the option to see which changes / edits to a text, title or card have been made and by whom / when.


If I can restore it then it would be even better (like Confluence does for example), but a simple list of all edits to an item would suffice for now.

Named versions more than anything. 

nice to have

  • name & description 
  • Mark focus area when saving version (like when sharing board)
  • timeline view of version thumbnails

Hi all, I’m thrilled to announce we just released board history for users on Team, Business, Consultant, Enterprise, and Education Plans. You can learn more in this thread!


A big hug and thank you - You’re awsome:clap::dizzy::boom::trophy:
