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I love me some USM on Miro. Every now and then, I need to export the board to simple text. The export feature does what it says on the tin, but it would be nice if it could export it in a structured way. Not just a long list of texts. Maybe different columns for each column..?

I love me some USM on Miro. Every now and then, I need to export the board to simple text. The export feature does what it says on the tin, but it would be nice if it could export it in a structured way. Not just a long list of texts. Maybe different columns for each column..?

Hi Rico, thank you so much for your feedback about USM & Kanban. I’ll be curious to learn more about the way you use both of these interactive templates. If you’re ready to jump on a quick call with me, please, feel free to schedule a quick 30-minute Zoom call

Hi - did anything come from this please?

I’d also find it useful to export structured data from a Kanban board - can still be a CSV, but including column and swimlane names of each card.

My use case is to be able to generate Kanban metrics (throughput etc) in Excel from the snapshot of the board via the exported data



I’m also missing a better CSV export format for USM in my workshops.

Right now, I usually have to copy and paste all the text.


In terms of CSV format, I would look around the format used by Azure devops for backlog export :


I’m also available for discussion on this topic.




Has there been an update?  I would like to export KANBAN with tables with CSV.  Thanks

Hi Team, bumping this again. Any traction on retaining Kanban structure in .csv exportation? 





4 years later . . . .

Is this even on the roadmap?

hi everyone, 

Thanks so much for taking the time to share your feedback. We appreciate the insights.

Our team is reviewing this, and it is open for votes and comments. For those coming across this idea, if you feel this would be helpful for your business, please be sure to vote for it and leave a comment about your use case to help our team scope this request.