Talktrack: Notification when new Talktrack recorded

Scenario: I recorded a Talktrack on a board of which I am the Owner, and then sent a link to the Talktrack to someone who is a Guest on the board. They watched the Talktrack and then recorded a Talktrack in response (at my request). Five days later, as I was going to follow up with then, I opened the board to watch my own Talktrack and that is when I noticed they had recorded a Talktrack. Assumptions were made on both sides: Mine was that they would have told me they recorded a Talktrack and theirs was that I would have been notified.

Please solve the problem of users having to correspond outside of the Miro board to let other interested users know there is a new Talktrack recording on a board.

A few options:

  • Board owner is automatically notified of a new Talktrack recording.
  • New Talktracks are treated the same as any other new board content, giving everyone the opportunity to be made aware of the content.

Hi @Robert Johnson ! 

Thank you so much for your feedback 👍

I am happy to share that our team is working on this very functionality right now, its also great to get this confirmation that it is very much needed. 😄


Ι had exactly the same problem. I am used of getting notified via slack. Since I get notifications for comments I was sure that smth similar would happen with talktrack as well. Unfortunately it didn t happen and we lost some time. At the moment when I record a talktrack i also send a manual notification via slack at stakeholders. But this kind of notification is tiring and unreliable. 

Ι had exactly the same problem. I am used of getting notified via slack. Since I get notifications for comments I was sure that smth similar would happen with talktrack as well. Unfortunately it didn t happen and we lost some time. At the moment when I record a talktrack i also send a manual notification via slack at stakeholders. But this kind of notification is tiring and unreliable. 

Thanks for sharing more details for this idea @Michalis Beikos! We’ve made some updates to Talktrack that I think you might find helpful and can’t wait to share more with you soon! 

To learn more about this feature and all other Miro product updates, join us on March 13 or 14, for our What’s New Product Webinar. You’ll hear directly from our Product Marketing team about how you can use these features to just make work, flow! Hope to see you there ✨

Hey, @Sophia Chia! I noted this today in my notifications panel:


Along with this in my profile’s Notifications settings:


Are you able to confirm that this Wish List post for “Notification when new Talktrack recorded” is GA and can be marked as DELIVERED?